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October the Fifteenth, 1997.

Rain cascaded from the depressingly dull England sky, which was no surprise for anyone. It was a cold morning, and Daniel listened to the pleasant sound of the droplets of water tapping against the condensed window.

He closed his eyes, wanting nothing more than to just be by himself, in his room. Alone.

But alas, that would never work - as he had been forcefully taken away from his home. He was young and didn't exactly know the reason for it. But, he did know his parents didn't know how to take care of him.

That's what a nice woman said. She was the one who drove him to a building which was gigantic to the small boy and looked almost like a prison. Big buildings meant a lot of people. And a lot of people filled him with anxiety.

Florence noticed the worry on the child's face, so she gave him a smile and spoke, "You know what? I think you'll really warm up to this place. I know it's scary, to begin with, but remember all of the other kids were in the same position as you at some point."

She was right, but it didn't stop him worrying about all of the bad things that could happen - he might end up with no friends, it's not like he wanted one, but he didn't want everyone to dislike him and find him weird.

He thought it was rude to ignore someone, so he nodded and smiled. It was fake, but it made Florence smile - so that was good.

The women helped Dan with his bag, which was very light and didn't hold many clothes in, maybe two outfits at the most. The bag itself also didn't have many belongings in, as Dan didn't like having many things. He thought it meant more of a responsibility, and he didn't like the idea of that because of his parents not having a responsibility for him.

When they arrived in the building, Dan's heart raced and his stomach hurt - there were kids running around and talking. Some older than him, and some around the same age. There were teenagers sitting in the lounge, and he felt uncomfortable.

Florence noticed this, and decided to guide him to his new room - and she spoke about him having to share it with another boy, who was two years older than Daniel. Which meant he was nine, and Dan didn't like that - older people tend to want control over the younger ones.

She continued to go on, "His name is Phil, he can be loud sometimes - he's a slight troublemaker, but when you get to know him you'll get on." She led him up until the door, but she had to leave - as she had to sort something out with another child who was being adopted.

Dan was scared, he'd admit, sharing a room with a stranger! Who he has never met before. What if they were messy? Or made fun of him? Or made noises late at night? Thoughts were racing through his mind, but he pushed them away and placed his hand on the doorknob - twisting it gently.

He pushed it open slowly and entered. He was right about one thing, they seemed to be messy. But, Dan was glad he was alone at the moment. It gave him time to sit and think or unpack the few things he had. He thought there was no point of unpacking, actually - it'll be easier if he just kept it in his black, worn backpack.

He climbed onto the bed, it was comfy - but this doesn't mean he likes it there. He sighed, and he wanted to cry. But the door burst open and then slammed shut again - the noise causing Daniel to jump slightly and pull him away from his thoughts.

The boy, who seemed to be Phil, laid his eyes upon Daniel - he looked confused, but then a look of realisation crossed his face. "You're that Dan kid, aren't you?" Phil waited for an answer, and Dan nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2018 ⏰

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