Blood Sisters (Chapter12)

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"how is this even possible?"

" i dont even know jacob" 

they were horrible at whispering  in another room. i laugh and start to talk with renesmee more, she was really nice and cool. i held hands with hayden the whole time as we sat on the floor.

" do you have a gift?"

" i dont know really" i was confused did i have a gift and not know it? 

" i felt alot of energy from you Aria when are hands had touched" she smiled 

" me too it was crazy " 

" you guys were light" we both look at hayden 

" what do you mean?"

"when you guys touched you startd to glow" we looked at each other , wow we glowed!

" thats so cool!" renesmee cheers and giggles. i grip haydens hand, he looks at me in curiosity. i wanted to tell them that they were coming back in the room but it was to late

" so Aria "

me and hayden look behind us and see all three of them staring at us

"how did you come without me hearing or smelling you?" edward asked weird questions i didnt know

" i dont know like i said before i was trying to be invisible" i look at him strange why did he still want to know?

" is tat your gift? invisablity?" bella questioned 

"could be i didnt know she was the vampire until her eyes turned red with anger" jacob had added 

" i think she was hidding it and didnt know she was" edward commented

"yea but she drank the glass of blood and her eyes turned red whats with that??" bella was right  when i gulped my glass of blood i had changed then what was this all meaning?

"is that how you didnt know you were a vampire ? because you never got angry? or drank blood?"

i look at them all i need to tell them about my foster family, so i tell them that i was abused all the time from my foster family and how i would get angry all the time. 

"they must of known.." hayden mumbled " but there names sound so familiar.." hayden rubbed his chin and started pacing, we all go quit and watched him. he stops for a second and looks at me


"ah why?" i laugh and look at him sternly 

"WE'LL BE BACK" hayden grabs my hand and runs outside

" run girl run!" i put him on my back , irun to the nearest town and ask him whats up



"yea! your mom was murder by.. hunters not me i promise but by others they knew about you too"


he kicks a rock and looks up in the sky with his hands in his pant pockets. " your foster parents are hunters too they took you in and did all that to you on purpose so they'd have a reason to.. kill you, if you attacked them they'd be aloud to kill you"

"what are y-"

"the council said if you hads attcked them that they were aloud to kill you"

i take a couple steps back " how do you know this"

" i know because i was in the council meeting where they said you escaped but they didnt say your name so i didn't know you were the person" 

"WERE YOU GOING TO KILL ME FOR A REWARD THAT IT? hayden walks up to me and holds my hand and kisses it softly " i would never kill somthing i love even if i would be killed for it" he presses his lips against mine.

"we have to tell the cullens!" i have him hop on my back again and we run back to there house.  i open the door in relief there still home

"im sorry for the going part, we need to tell you everything about now and  whats happening"

"and who i am that im not proud of" hayden says in sadness. hayden explains to them about hunters and who my parents are 

"we needed to find the cullens, we need to know about renesmee to know about aria i was NEVER was going to kill you guys i swear on my life" 

"ok but what about these hunters ?" 

" there coming for aria i know it because of her escaping, ill try to go to the next council and see the plan and tell you guys but all i can say is i want to keep her safe." he grabs my hand , 

"i know son" edward  walks to hayden and pats hayden's shoulder " shes now are family to we'll also keep her safe" 

"YEA SHES MY BLOOD SISTER I WONT LET ANYTHING HAPPEN TO HER!" renesmee says and runs over to my side " i wont let any one hurt you!" 

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