Who am i?! (Chapter6)

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He had a decent apartment to what i saw of it, if it had a roof and walls and a locked door then it was perfect for me. i belly flop onto his clean couch and moan. 

"whats wrong??"

"im soooo hungry!!!" i start to moan some more annoying him he walks my way and sits on me and moans with me. 

"UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" i start to laugh when i was moaning and he did to. i turn around and lay there and we stared at each other again until he interrupted 

"So im guessing you want some food then?" i nod like a puppy begging for food . he gets up and walks to the kitchen and brings back a red liquid drink and some crackers. 

"here i had  kool-aid  in the fridge and these are just crackers" 

"thanks." i get up and takes a cracker , all it tasted was plane and nasty, i ate it anyway because i was starving.  i drink the kool-aid he gave me, my eyes widen it was Delicious! i gulp it down and ask for more.

"no, i knew it" he laughs under his breath

"why? why not it was good!" i smile and push the cup on his arm for 'more please' 

he looks up at me in a strange way and grabs my neck chocking me. he lifts me in the air , i wheeze for air but i couldn't i tried to losen his grip on my neck but his has hand wouldn't budge. 

"stop plea- se" my feet dangeled in the air i was trying everything in my power but he became to strong. 

" you dont know do you?" 

"Kn- ow Wh- at?" he laughs and throws me across the room. i cough rubbing my neck and forgetting my back pain.  he stands in front of me and glares at me. his palm is in a fist and was about to punch me when he stops, 

"i cant do this, i... i don't think i could do this to a beautiful girl like you i wont" he turns and looks away from me. he falls to the ground and looks up at the ceiling " i wont " he screamed those two words and just sat there. i get up slowly and just look at him, what didn't i know?

" ill tell you who i am.. "


" all my life i was trained to kill these creatures of the night , who would kill innocent people. my father had died protecting me and my mother .. she had died  by the creatures. my father told me before her died 'kill every last one' i was left to survive on my own"

"i dont understand ha-"

he starts to laugh " you don't understand?" 

i was concerned for myself and him but i didn't know what was going on i stood there and waited for him to answer me but all he did was laugh. he gets up and faces me and lifts a finger up at my face and was pointing at me i looked at the finger cross eyed. 

"Your a Vampire Aria Bloom"

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