Chapter 12

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I'm in the middle of doing some paperwork. I was just talking to my beta and third about Alex. she could be very resourceful to our pack and I told them that I'm her mate and I'd talk to her but I would never do that to her. She asked me to not just use her because of her powers and I wouldn't. I'm her mate and I would never do that. Suddenly I feel a sharp pain fly through me and I howl in pain.
"Xavier what just happened?" I asked my wolf.
"Our mate just crossed the border without us. The cause of her crossing the territories puts pain on us. Why would she do this?" he asks.
"I don't know but I will find out," I say.
I run out of the house and follow her scent. She could have either gone into Alpha Oliver Williams territory or Alpha Ray Lockwood. I'm going to assume Alpha Williams because that is where the scent is the strongest. I come up to the territory line and sure enough she has crossed the line. I take out my phone and call Alpha Williams. After a couple rings he picks up.
"Hello?" he says.
"Hi Alpha Williams it's Alpha Smith. I was wondering if my mate named Alex ran through your territory. Unfortunately I don't know her last name but she is my mate and I really need her back," I say through the phone. I hear a growl from the other side of the phone.
"I'm sorry but you are never coming near my daughter ever again. It is up to her to come back to you. If it weren't for her you would most likely be dead right now," he says through the phone. So she is an Alpha.
"Please Alpha Williams I really need to see her. I have no idea why she left," I say.
"Why don't you think about what you said to your beta and gamma. Goodbye now," he said then hung up. I growled in anger. I thought back to what I was saying to my beta and gamma and think about it. Then it dawned on me that she was there. She heard our whole conversation. Now I understand why she ran. If she wasn't going to listen to what I was going to say then I will stay at the border until she comes to realize that she needs me. I head back to the pack house and get some camping gear then run back to the border and set it up. She needs to understand that I didn't mean any of that. She needed to understand that I would never do that to herand that I love her. 

Alex's POV-

I've been room trying to figure out what I should do. Dad came in a few minutes ago saying that Sam called asking about me. He said he didn't let him pass but Sam's not leaving the border until I come back to him. That idiot really thinks he will get me back.
I know what I need to do now. I got my bag and packed some clothes. I went to my dads office to tell him what was going to happen.
"I'm assuming you have a plan?" he asks.
"Yes I do. The plan is for me to leave and travel like I've always wanted but he will never know that I'm gone because he won't leave the border. I'll fly to Germany first like I always wanted to and go from there," I tell him.
"That's fine with me, just please be careful," he says.
"I promise I will. Love you," I say.
"Love you too," we hugged and then I left. I ran to the airport of the other side of the territory so Sam won't know. He's been trying to contact me through our bond but I keep my walls up. In four months I will give birth to our child or children. Hopefully things will change before then. I make it to the airport and catch the first light to Germany. Thankfully I have friends there that can help.
I hop onto the plane and settle down. After a while I finally fall into a peaceful sleep. I hope this trip will be worth it.


I wake up and we have landed. I get off the plane and am greeted by my friends. Lyla, Chase, and Austin. Lyla and Chase are mates but Austin hasn't found his yet. They already know what is happening and were willing to help. I follow them to their car and they take me to their apartment. I plan on staying for awhile. I like Germany. It's beautiful.
This is going to be my home for awhile until I decide to go somewhere else.


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