Chapter 13

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Two months later

I've decided to go somewhere else. Dad has called me to tell me Sam is still waiting for me at the border and looks like crap. I really didn't care because of what I overheard. I'm getting on a plan now to fly to Paris. I've always wanted to go and I know French so that helps. As I get off the plane I head to the pack house to talk to the Alpha about me staying here.
After I have all of that settled I go find an apartment. I found one that is small but not too small. It's absolutely perfect. I already feel like home here. I have two months before I'm due. I would have thought things would be better by now but nope. I'll probably stay here for longer than I expected.

One year later

I know I've been gone for one and a half years but I needed the break. Plus I love Paris. I gave birth to my two boys, yes twins, eight months ago and I love them. Bash (Sebastian) looks more like me than Sam. And Kyle looks a lot like his father. It was hard looking at my sons for a while without thinking of Sam but now I don't really think about him at all. I've become a lawyer, yes I skipped the rest of high school and went to college. I was able to test out of school early. I have enough money now to properly raise my kids.
I got a phone call a while back from my dad saying he misses me and that Sam is still by the border. He hasn't left and vow's he never will till I come back. I'm actually on a plane right now because it's my mothers birthday and I wouldn't miss it for the world. I get off the plane with my sons. They look older than they really are because of Alpha blood from Sam and me. They have matured faster then most kids.
My dad was waiting for me in the parking lot. He knows that I gave birth but hasn't seen the kids. I squat down to look my sons in the eyes.
"We are going to meet your grandparents today. Are you ready?" they nod their head and I walk towards my dad.
"Dad this is Kyle and Sebastian," I say.
"Well hello there boys. Who's excited to see their grandpa?" he asks. They run up to my dad and jump into his arms. They are so cute.
Dad drives us back to the pack house and the instant we get there my mom comes running out to see me.
"I've missed you so much baby," she says while giving me a bone crushing hug. She lets go and see's Kyle and Bash. She walks over to them and gives them a hug introducing herself. They return the hug then run back to me.
"Is he still at the border?" I ask. My dad nods his head. Everytime my boys ask about their dad I just tell them it was a long story and he has no idea that they're alive. They've learned to accept that and just go on with their lives as if he never existed. We walk into the house and I show them to their rooms. I go back to my old room and everything is the same. Like I never left. It was nice to be back home. I've decided to stay for my sons sake. I look out my window and I can see Sam at the border. He looks like sh*t. I feel bad but he's the one that wanted to use me. I walk out of my room and downstairs. I look and see one big happy family in the living room.
"Hey kiddo what's up?" my dad asks.
"I see Sam at the border," I say.
"Is that daddy?" Kyle asks.
"No sweetheart that's not daddy," I reply. My mom and dad look at me like I'm crazy. It was hard while I was gone being away from him.
"I told them that Sam doesn't know about them and I also told them that daddy didn't want them," I told them through the mindlink. They just nodded their heads in understanding. I walked over to my boys and they sat down in my lap. I should probably go talk to Sam. I need to hear what he has to say.
"Dad I'm gonna go for a walk," I say.
"Ok please be careful," my dad replied.
"I'm a grown woman I'm fine," I say and walk out. I start to head towards the border. Once I get there his scent fills my nose. It smells amazing. He looks up from what he's doing and sees me. He gets up and starts to walk towards me but then remembers about the border.
"Hey Sam," I say.
"Alex where have you been?" he asks, "I've been waiting here for you for over a year."
"I've been trying to get away from you. I overheard what you said to your beta and gamma. That's why I left," I tell him. Before he can answer I hear little feet running my way. Oh no this isn't going to turn out well.
"Mommy, grandma said it's time for dinner," Kyle says. Great just the twin that looks like him and not the one that looks like me.
"Kyle go back to the house I'll be right back," I say.
"Who's that mommy?" Kyle asks. Great now he's wondering about his father.
"Alex who is that?" Sam asks. He looks at Kyle and I know that he can see the resemblance.
"Mommy how does this guy know you?" Kyle asks. Then to make like harder Bash shows up.
"Mommy grandpa is worried. It's time for dinner," he said.
"Alex are they mine?" Sam asks. I looked at him. He should know but he hurt me so much.
"Mommy who is this guy? Do we know him?" Kyle asks.
"Alex are they mine?" he asks.
"We don't have a daddy. Mommy said daddy didn't know about us and didn't want mommy anymore so she left him," Bash said. Sam looked shocked.
"Alex you know that's not true. Why would you tell them that? I tried to apologies but you left me. I told you nothing was going to happen. Are they mine?" he asked. I really didn't want to answer.
"Alex, Answer. Me," he said using his Alpha tone. That made me mad. He can't use it on me because I'm the white wolf.
"Don't you dare use that tone with me. It's none of your business whether they're yours or not. They could have come from someone else," I said. He growled at this. Breaking the laws he crossed the border and ran up and kissed me. I was surprised to say the least. I missed his touch, surprising myself and Sam I kissed him back. He growled when I pulled away.
"There's kids watching," I whisper in his ear. "Boys go back to the house and tell grandma I'll be there in a minute." they listened to me ran back to the house.
"Are they mine?" he asks.
"Yes," I say. He growls.
"Why would you keep my sons away from me and not tell me?" he asks obviously hurt.
"You hurt me and I didn't want to come back knowing what you told your beta and gamma," I replied.
"Don't worry bout them. They are in the dungeons for what they said. I would never do that to you Alex. I have suffered the last almost two years without you. I love you Alex," he says. I look in his eyes and can tell that he really means it.
"I believe you, but you have one more chance and if you ruin it then you are done," I say. His face lights up at this.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much. I promise that I won't let you down," he replies.
"You better not, and I would advise you to go back to your territory before my dad gets out here and rips your head off," I say.
"Good point. Will you be coming back to me?" he asks.
"Give me another day or two to settle everything and tell the boys," I say. He nods and then leaves. I head back to the pack house and when I walk in I'm bombarded with questions.
"What happened?" my dad asks.
"I will tell y'all later. First let's eat," I say then walk into the dining room.
Dinner was amazing and the kids got to know my parents more and my parents got to know the kids. Dad walks me to his office and I know he wants to talk about what happened.
"Okay so please explain what happened?" he asks.
"I went to talk to Sam and he explained everything. He really is sorry and it's hard to stay away from him. I forgave him but he only has one more chance and if he messes it up he's dead. I'm going to leave with the kids in two days back to his house," I tell my dad. He stays quiet for a minute but I know he's thinking it over.
"If he hurts you again then he will be dead for sure," he says. We both laugh, I go up and hug him. I missed him a lot.
"I'm gonna go tell the kids. Can you tell mom?" I asks. He shakes his head yes.
I walk out of his office and find the kids. I take them into a room and start explaining. They get mad for a second then get excited to finally see and have their daddy. They are so cute. I tell them to go pack and they do as I say. I go to my room and pack as well.

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