The First Date

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I laugh at Jack who has somehow managed to make placing a cloth on his lap very funny. His frosty white hair is perfectly disheveled and he had put on a white shirt, in stark contrast to his usual blue hoodie. His pants, however, he would never abandon those.

I wore my signature blue dress with the leg slit. Anna convinced me not to wear the cape as well, even though I really wanted to. My hair, in its bright platinum blonde colour, is braided to the side, with an assortment of snowflake pins holding it together. They were a gift from Anna and she helped fit them into my hair. She had been so happy that I was finally going to leave Arendelle to come stay with her and Kristoff in their large apartment within the depths of New York City.

Jack stares at me, face contorted interestingly. "What?" I said, still giggling.

"Nothing." He said, blushing and quickly looking away.

"Oh come on," I say, teasing him, "Just admit you were staring at my amazing beauty!"

"Fine. I was." He says shyly, his normally pale face a pinkish tone.

I stopped laughing and kind of stared at him with my eyebrows raised. "Awk-ward" I say.

We both break down into laughter. The people seated around us gave us dirty looks. Here we were, in New York, laughing in a five star restaurant. The waiter arrives and asks for our orders. "Actually, could you please come back in a moment? We haven't decided. Thanks." Jack says with a smile.

He turns to me "Hows about we ditch this snobby place? I know a place with a great view!" Jack asked excitedly.

I nod, and when the waiter returns, Jack tells him we'll be going. He gives quite a generous tip. "Come on Elsie! Lets go!" He says grabbing my hand and leading me to his black sedan.

"Woah! Okay!" I say, letting him drag me away.

We get into his car and he drives us towards the large moon. "So, Elsie, what are your interests?" Jack asks.

"Well, Jacqueline, I lik-" I begin before I am rudely cut off.

"What?! Who's Jacqueline?" He says smiling and blushing.

"Well, as I was saying," I say giving him dirty look, "I enjoy long walks in the park and reading" I say playing along with his game of pretending we only just met.

We actually met on the boardwalk. I was feeling down because Anna and Kristoff had a fight about some stuff and I was present the whole time. Anna had been in tears, and when I tried to comfort her, she just asked me to leave her alone for a while. and so I left. On my way out, In the lobby, I saw Kristoff with a big bouquet of pink tulips; Anna's favourite flower. Kristoff also had a giant teddy bear. Anna loves those too. He was also carrying about twenty balloons saying 'I love you'. He had a few gift bags and looked utterly silly with all those things in his hand.

The experience had made me think about how nice it would be If I had someone as caring as Kristoff in my life. But if someone in this other world, this different place knew about my powers, I wouldn't be accepted. So there I was, walking on the dock, when suddenly, someone bumped into me and I went flying backwards, to surely land into the sharp rocks and raging water below. but then, a cool hand slipped under my waist and another cool hand grabbed mine.

The hands lifted me up and set me up right on the ground. "Uh.. um thank you' I said staring into a pair of mesmerizing ice blue eyes.

"You're welcome." a cool voice replied.

I was just standing there staring into his eyes when suddenly, he cleared his throat. "Oh, uh, I'm Elsa, Elsa Delle." I said, sticking my hand out.

"Jack Frost" The man said, shaking my hand.

And as they say, the rest is history. we talked the rest if the day and he asked me out on a date. And I agreed. Without question.

We met almost a year ago, but the date, That was earlier today. I wasn't usually so out going, but his eyes portrayed trust, and I trusted his eyes, eyes say nothing but truth.

Soon we had driven up to a hill, covered in grass, and flowers. "Elsie, wait 'till you see the view!" Jack said, grabbing my hand and dragging me with him again.

And then, I saw nothing but the beautiful moon, staring at me with its immense beauty. Below, the city with its twinkling lights. I gasped and I heard Jack laughing a bit, as well as smiling.

I visibly shivered and I found a blanket being draped around me. So much for 'the cold never bothered me anyways'. "Come," Jack said leading me to a spot on the grass.

I looked down and realized our hands were still intertwined. Jack noticed too and let go. No! hold my hand, Jack! My mind screeched.

In a bold move, I reached again for Jack's hand. He was startled by the movement but grasped my hand anyways. We sat down on the mat Jack had placed while I marvelled at the moon.

There was nothing but silence until Jack spoke softly. "Elsa...." he hesitated.

I turned towards him with a quiet smile. I turned my head. he bit his lip, and started closing the foot long gap between us. I leaned in too, until the space was less than a centimetre, and close my eyes. Might I actually kiss my best friend who I have a mega crush on, and am dating? Oh my god I can't breathe! I can feel his breath and his hands traveling up my arms and and into my hair.......

OMG! could this be it? A jelsa kiss in the beginning of the story? I know some of you might have wAnted the story to start where they met, but I had to, just had to cut to the chase! Please don't kill me if you have any problems with the story!!!! Send me book covers? vote?tell your friends maybe? Comment? I love anyone who reads this- Winkatt! χθχθ

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