Chapter 1: No One Hears My Cries

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Author's note

Hi, I thought I'd write another story, I'm still writing my fan fic, I just wanted to try something that I wouldn't usually write, so I hope that this story will be good.


Abi's POV

Hi, I'm Abi Davis and I am a college girl. I would say I'm a normal girl but, honestly I'm not, I feel very alone and no one seems to understand. I went through so many years of actually being alone in school, that when anyone tries gettng close to me I push them away. The only person who has stuck by my side the longest is Heidi, my best friend. In college, I'm again outside the circle, I'll talk and get ignored. I'm invisible and it makes me feel worthless..

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off, I groaned and turned over hoping maybe if I ignore it I won't have to go college.

"Darling you have college" My mum, shook me. I looked up at my mum and smiled.

"Okay, I'm up" I stretched and chucked my covers off me. I got my usual leggins, denim shorts, a random top and one of my hoodies. I stopped making an effort once I knew there was no point.

I went downstairs, mum telling me to have breakfast, I never eat breakfast so, just to please I picked up a piece of toast and smiled. She walked away and I put it in the bin and left for the college bus. My earphones in and let's go to college. There's only a couple of weeks left until summer holidays just get on with it.

I arrived at college and had 4 hours of free lessons. I went to the student lounge where I meet up with everyone. I pushed open the doors feeling like everyone is watching me, judging me. I saw them and walked over.

"Hi guys" I smiled.

"Yeah... hi" They reply. There's never usually a chair for me so, I have to walk to a table and get a chair to bring over. They'll all talk amongst eachother. I just smile.

"Two weeks left now guys" I excitedly stated.

"Uh, yeah we know" Hannah spoke up. I just smiled and looked away. I got my phone out and stuck my earphones in. I always end up doing this. Until someone needs to go to the canteen and no one else will go with them.

"Abi, its dinner time" Daniella tapped me.

"And?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No one will go with me to the canteen" She pouted.

"Okay" I smiled.

"Come with me" She demanded.

"Sure" I sighed. As we both got up to walk to the canteen. Me following behind her. I think they're embarassed of me.

"What's wrong?" Daniella spoke up.

"Huh? Nothing" I smiled, I've repeatidly told them, they just shrug it off so I've learned to just smile.

"Ehh, okay" She shrugged. We queued up for her food.

"Order it for me" She pushed me in front of her.

"But I'm getting Hannah's food as well." I stated.

"Soo...Here just order it" She gave me her money.

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