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I Understand You

It was a normal day. Your father invited me to your house for lunch. He gave you and me a day off of work.

You wolfed down your lunch and hurried upstairs. I knew you didn't want to be around me. I was a bit angry because you were so impolite towards me. I was older than you by a year. My eyes trailed behind your figure.

As soon as you were out of sight, I grumpily stabbed at my food. Your father sighed and placed his cutleries down. I didn't notice this action since I was too busy with my own buzzing thoughts.

"Jungkook, I'm sorry for how my daughter is acting. I know she doesn't treat you well. I just thought I should tell you this. She was really close with her previous boyfriend but he broke her trust. She thinks I want you to date her so, she doesn't like you. Please understand her," your father said warmly. I nodded slowly.

You were broken. I didn't know that. You always acted confident - cocky almost.

When you and your father sent me to the door after lunch, his words replayed in my mind. Your father hugged me goodbye before heading back in. You waited for me to put my shoes on and leave, as always.

I didn't dare meet your eyes as I hurriedly put my shoes on.

I mumbled a farewell and headed off, my head down and hands in my pockets.

Just then, you called me. I turned around questioningly. My heart fluttered.

"Jungkook? Your shoelaces are untied."

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