Chapter 2

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This morning I got up late, it was 12. Crap, I missed moms awesome hotcakes;). Oh well, I'll eat them next saturday. I walked towards the mirror. Wow, the hair fairy had definately given me a visit last night. I have long, wavy, red hair, but every morning its the same, I look like I have been attacked by a rabid heyena. I brushed out my hair and pulled it into a messy bun, containing my bangs with a black headband. I put on a strapless bra and my tube top, threw on my jean shorts and flats, then headed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, and then started to put my make-up on. I naturally have long lashes, but I still always wear mascara, so I applied that and a some eye liner, which made my hazel eyes pop. I was ready.

I headed down stairs and was just in time for lunch, my mom greeted me with breadsticks and salad. "Well hello sweety." she said "Hi mom." "Do you want some lunch?" "No, sorry. I'm too excited." My stomach was full of butterfly's. "Alright." she said with a frown. I gave her a smile and headed to the porch, I love my mom, but she could really be a handfull sometimes. My book, the Great Gatsby was in the same place I left it las time I was out here, opened to the halfway point laying on the porch swing. I have soft spot for classic novels, but anything other than that, to me was trash. I took a seat on the swing and curled my legs up, it was almost summer, so there was a warm breeze, and the sun shone brightly, there were no clouds out. Man, it was a beautiful day. I usually dont take the time to, I guess, smell the roses as some socially awkward people like myself would say, but today was an exception. Everything about today was awesome, for once I actually felt good inside, not the usual feeling of wanting to curl up in a ball and die, thanks to One Direction. I took a deep breath and started to read.

Two Hours later-

I finaly finished the book! It may have taken me a year, subjected to on and off reading, but I finished it. I got up and walked towards the front door, oww! I felt like my knees were about to buckle, that teaches you not to get up fast after you have been sitting in the same postion for hours. From my knees down I had that funny tingly sensation you get when your limbs fall asleep. I decided to walk it off and started doing loops around the house, when I got to my third one, I decided I had had enough, and went inside. Mom, was working on the computer, my brother was in his room, (obviously) and my dad was probably out playing golf with his lame rich friends. I grabbed a piece of leftover pizza out of the fridge, Alicia wasn't coming for a while and I was starving. I figured when she did finaly come, I could splurge and eat second dinner. I ate very slowly and then got up and washed my plate, wanted five o'clock to come so badly. I decided to go waste the rest of the hour up in my room on the computer. I booted up my mac book and got on facebook, I only had five flippiing friends. I guess there wasn't really a point of me joining any way

I realized five o'clock came faster than I thought it would when I heard Alicia's continuous beeping of her car. I grabbed my purse, threw in my cellphone and went downstairs to grab some more cash to throw in my purse, just incase I need another 1D shirt. My mom walked over to me. "Be safe, you know L.A. is a dangerous place." "I know mom." I said "Okay, well atleast give me a kiss." she insisted. "Fine" I said with a joking smile, she landed a smooch on my cheek. I ran out the door and jumped in the car next to Ali. "Hey lil' bit" I said. She aquired this nickname when we were younger and she was always shorter than everyone, since then it has just stuck. "Hi Kiwi" she said. This came to be my nickname because when I was little my favorite fruit was kiwi.. simple as that.

As we headed into the city, (which was about a half an hour away.) Ali popped in a 1D cd. "You can never have too much One DIrection." lil' bit said with a smile. "Never." I said The rest of the drive Ali and I jammed out replaying the track over and over. When we finally reached the theater, we went to the ticket booth and got both of our reserved tickets and headed inside, I guess the concert came first, so we shuffled into the theater. Throughout a couple of hours we watched our favorite boys bust some sweet dance moves and sing their album better than ever. Afterwards we got souveneirs, 1D bracelets and hats, took a bathroom break and went to the table One Direction was sitting at with swarms of girls around them. I was prepared, I had my picture of the band and my phone to snap some pcis. I went over to Harry and handed him my picture to sign, instead he looked up at me, smiled and winked, then continued to sign the picture- his name and a heart. My face must have been as red as a tomato, I was speechless, did THE Harry Styles just wink at me?? He handed me back my picture and I walked away dumbfounded. As I made my way towards Alicia, I saw something white fall from my hand, I stooped to pick it up, opened it, there was a series of numbers an H and a heart- (323)-950-7546 H<3 I think my heart stopped, this had to be a coincedence, I couldn't have Harry Styles number.. I froze, I couldn't move, I couldn't even breath. It was like I wasn't in the living world any longer. I saw Alicia come over to me and ask what was wrong, all I could do was hand her the tiny slip of paper that my future held. I could see her hold back a scream. Even though she was a loyal Zayn devotee, she still loved Harry. Could this really be his number??

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2012 ⏰

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