Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


"So you do?" He repeats staring at me, I stare at him back but not sure what to say I mean it's not like it matters anyway, why would he care?

"Yeah, he's cute so yeah why not?" I raise an eyebrow shrugging slightly. His eyes flash with different emotions but are quickly gone in a second. Shannon the waitress interrupts our feud by setting down the food in front of us.

"He doesn't look like a nice person to hang around with El" He shakes his head sighing.

"And how would you know that?" I ask taking a slurp out of my soup.

"He has a lip ring" He points out.

"Wow just because he has a lip ring doesn't mean he's bad, I didnt know you were so quick to judge" I shake my head rolling my eyes.

"Im not judging him"

"Oh really? Cause that's exactly what it sounds like" I narrow my eyes at him. "I am going over there to talk to him"

I stand up from my seat and walk towards the 4 Australian boys. Once I am in front of there table their heads snap up to look at me a smile forming on there lips.

"Ellie" Luke's eye go wide alittle shocked that I am over here.

"Hey Luke, sorry if im interrupting you guys" I apologize.

"No no your fine" He says smiling at me.

"Ok well I just wanted to say that I was sorry about how my friend acted back there"

"Oh don't worry about- wait friend?" He furrows his eyesbrows together.

"Yeah Grayson is my friend I dont know why he said he was my boyfriend cause he definitely isn't" I shake my head chuckling a bit.


"See mate nothing to worry about" The boy next to him with white hair pats his back. Luke sends him a quick glare before mumbling something I couldnt hear.

"Anyways im Ashton" A boy with wavy hair smiles at me, I return the smile.

"CALUM" The boy with black hair who looks to be Asian.. yells.

"Hi" I smile giggling at his childish behavior.

"And im Michael" The one with white hair grins.

"It is nice to meet you all, I'm Ellie"

"We know" The 3 of them say in unision.


"Well first, Luke just said it earlier when we first got here and second he is always talking about you" Ashton says chuckling. I feel the warmness heat up my cheeks because of what he said, I sneak a glance at Luke to see he is also blushing while narrowing his eyes at Ashton. I was just about to open my mouth say something to cut the tension but my name is called. I turn my head to see Grayson standing there by the doors. I let out sigh before turning back to the boys.

"Well i have to go I guess I'll you guys around?" I say.

"Yeah here let's exchange numbers" Michael says holding his hand out. I give him my phone and its gets passed around as they all types in their numbers. We exchange a few more words to eachother and soon I am in the car with Grayson driving us back to the school.

"So did you make your date?" Grayson asks from the passenger seat.


"With Luke?"

"Why do you care?" I turn to take a glance at him my brows furrowed together.

"I don't"

"Okay" I shrug my shoulders turning my attention back on the road.

"Well I just don't want you to get hurt" He speaks up a couple minutes later. I find my self blushing at his kindness.

"I won't and we're not going out on a date" I tell him and I notice he lets out a sigh in relief.

Im sitting on my bed in my dorm room staring at my phone. Your probably wondering why and it is because I am considering on calling Luke to ask him if he wants to go to the fair tonight with me with my friends knowing they'll probably have dates.

Screw it.

I scroll through my contacts and am quick to find Luke's name. I click on it pressing call and hold it up to my ear. It rings for a couple seconds before he picks up and I hear his voice.


"Um h-hey, it's Ellie"

I slap my forehead for stuttering.

"Oh Ellie" He says and I hear a bunch of voices on the other line.

"If your busy I can let you go" I bite my lip waiting for his answer.

"No" He says quickly. "It's just the boys they went crazy when they found out you called"


"Anyways whats up?"

"Well there is a fair tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to go? But it's completely fine with me if you don't want to I just wanted to repay for what you did for me that night at the club and-"

"I would love to go"

I feel my lips tilt up into a smile.

"Oh alright, awesome it's across from Wavers Park" I tell him trying to keep my cool.

"Okay I'll see you there"

"Yes you will" I hear him chuckle on the other side.






5sauce above^^^

Chapter 5 is here!(:

So.. Ellie invited Luke to the fair so she wont be lonely by herself do you think that's the real reason?

Will something happen at the fair?

Why do you think Grayson was so worried about her going on a date with Luke?

Thanks for reading!

For chapter 6 can I have 3 votes please?? ♡

Love you all bunches.



-DreamingReading xx

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