Chapter 2 : Furry Problems

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~Kakashi P.O.V.~

The first thing I notice when I open my eyes is that I'm on the floor. I look around the alley I'm currently in and see two dogs, one black and one pink. They open their eyes and I immediately recognise them.

"Sasuke? Sakura?" I ask, try to make sense of our situation.

The dogs gasp and look up. "Kakashi-sensei?" They ask.

I nod. "It seems Hokage-sama's potion worked." I look around and spot a broken mirror. I can see myself, or what I think is me, in the broken fragments and I see a light gray husky with a black muzzle and mismatched eyes.

I go over to Sasuke and take a closer look. He's a black pug with red eyes. I look at Sakura, she's a yorkshire terrier with pink fur and green eyes.

"Okay you guys. My only guess as to why Hokage-sama would do this is so we can find out what's wrong with Naruto without him getting defensive and not telling us," I guess.

We jump when we hear a voice from behind us.

"What are you guys doing here?"

~Naruto P.O.V.~

'Geez. Why are they making me pay so much for food. They keep putting the prices up,' I think. I'm just finished shopping when I see a mob of people with homemade weapons up ahead. I jump into action, running away since I know they're after me.

I come across an alley and slip in the entrance, hoping no one saw. The mob charges past and I relax. Just as I'm about to leave I hear an animal making noises. Turning around I spot three dogs sitting together looking upset.

"What are you guys doing there?" I ask in the softest voice I can muster.

They jump and spin around to face me, they look scared but alert and ready. I raise and eyebrow at them and chuckle at their sheepish looks.

"Sorry about that. I didn't mean to spook you. Again, what are you doing here?" I question.

They look at me funny and I realise that I'm being stupid.

"Sorry, I'm used to animals talking back to me. Kinda expected the same with you. At least you ain't like Kurama. That big fox has one dirty mouth," I chuckle and hear the nine-tails laugh with me.

I walk slowly towards the dogs, careful to make my movements as nonthreatening as possible.

"Come on. I'm not gonna hurt you. You're probably hungry right?" I say, giggling when their stomachs rumble and they look down.

The first to approach me is the husky. I pat his head and he leans into my touch. The others seem to take that as a signal that its safe and follow the bigger dog. I pick the pug and terrier up and tell the husky to follow. I balance a shopping bag and a pup in each arm and we head to my apartment in silence.

~Time Skip~

When we reach my apartment the dogs stare at my door but I ignore the words carved into the wood. I tried to get rid of them but every time I fix it they rewrite the words again so I didn't see any point in changing it. I unlock the door and enter the apartment closing the door behind me.

I put the two pups in my arms down and start to walk to my kitchen. I put the shopping away and start to cook some chicken curry for dinner, making extra for the dogs. I look around my apartment and sigh contentedly. There's plants on the floor and hanging from the ceiling. It looks like a jungle of bright colours and I love it. There's a L-shape couch in the middle of the living room and a TV in the corner. There's big rugs on the floor that are really soft and little mini plants and books on shelves. It was clean and simple, but had a certain kind of beauty with the life and colour it brought.

~Kakashi P.O.V.~

When I enter Naruto's apartment I'm surprised. Its beautiful and feels safe. I was expecting a run down apartment with rubbish everywhere but Naruto keeps surprising me.

"Foods ready!" He calls. He places a bowl down for each of us. "I made it myself so I hope you like it!" He says. I take a bite of the curry and I'm once again surprised. Naruto can cook really well.

We finish eating and while Naruto cleans up we take a look around his house.

"Kakashi-sensei. Didn't you say Naruto was an orphan?" Sakura asks and I nod. "How is this place so nice then? Surely it would be messy since he doesn't have anyone to teach him how to take care of himself properly." She questions.

"Not necessarily Sakura," I start. "Naruto has been taking care of himself since he could walk. He had to learn this stuff early to live."

"But why didn't anyone help him?" Sasuke mutters.

I sigh. "Because, Sasuke, not many people like Naruto. You already know about the kyuubi in Naruto. We see Naruto as himself but the villagers see him as the kyuubi," I explain.

Naruto walks over and sits on the floor beside me. "Alright you three, you need names," he says and takes up a thinking pose.

He looks at me. "Your name will be Katsu," he says with a smile. I can't help but smile back and nod. He looks at Sasuke. "Yours will be Sho." Sasuke snorts. "And finally," he stares at Sakura. "Mio. Do you like it?" He asks Sakura. She thinks and nods. "Good. It means beautiful cherry blossom so I think it suits you perfectly."

He stands up and exhales loudly. "Okay, off to bed with you all. I have somewhere I need to be and I won't be back for a long while," he walks to his bedroom to get changed. "No tearing my house apart and go outside if you need the bathroom. I have a space on my balcony with grass," he starts to walk towards the door. I notice he's wearing different clothes than usual.

He's wearing a crimson red shirt with black sweats and red shoes. His hair isn't held up by his headband so his bangs are freely falling over his face. He grabs a black jacket with a white zipper and hood and opens the door.

"There's water in a bowl in the kitchen if you need it. See ya," he says and shut the door behind him before locking it.

Silence engulfs the apartment before we head to Naruto's room and snuggle into his bed sheets.

My last thought before sleep takes me is of blondes and their annoying secrets.

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