Chapter 1

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Sara's POV
I woke up due to my alarm. I did my morning routine and went to eat breakfast. I sat beside Draco at the Slytherin table, we talked about Harry, and complained about him, as usual.

As soon as I finished eating, I received a letter. I wrote down the reply and gave it back to the owl.

-time skip all the other classes-

Potions. In the dungeons, it was quite cold there. I sat beside Draco as Professor Snape started his lesson.

We made the Draught of Living Death, the result if you combined powdered roots of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood.

"Pst, Sara, did you know that in Victorian Flower language, powdered roots of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood means.. 'I bitterly regret Lily's death'? Snape and James, Harry's dad was in Hogwarts together, James's wife is called Lily. I heard that Snape had a crush on Lily but then she died, killed by You-Know-Who. So that's cool, right?" Draco said.

"It's sad, but cool! Also those are his first words to Harry!" I replied.

Everyone else then caught on to the conversation and the fact, everyone surprised Snape was supposed to be Harry's dad. Even Harry joined in his 'dad's' conversation.

Snape heard all of this. He started crying. "Out. All of you. OUT, NOW!" He dug his head into his hand as we all left. All we heard were sobs while we lingered at the classroom door.

Since that was the end of classes, we went back and ate dinner. Snape wasn't there. Have we upset him too much?

-time skip cause idk-

We all went to the common room and got in our beds. But me and Draco were going to chill on the top of the castle. Professor McGonagall said Filch was sick, so he couldn't take care of the students at night. She had assigned Snape to be the caretaker.

When everyone has slept, me and Draco had ran to the top the the castle. We sat down in the coldest place.

"Sara, now that we're alone, I-I want to see your Patronus. I'll s-show you mine after." Draco requested.

NOTE: Draco didn't show his Patronus in the movies or books. So I'm just making his Patronus a wolf. Hope ya understand.

"Alright. I think Snape might see it, though." I pulled out my wand and said, "Expecto Patronum!"  I moved closer to Draco so that I could see it better. He did the same.

"A wolf. You next!" I smiled and kept my wand.

"Expecto Patronum!" Draco said. Looking amazed at the animal.

"A wolf too.. Sara.."

Draco cupped my cheeks and got closer to my face. Was he going to kiss me?

Draco closed the space between our lips.  Draco licked my lips as a signal he wanted to use his tongue, I allowed him. It felt like we were kissing for minutes but it had only been a few seconds.

We then stopped. We smiled at each other and then looked at the bright moonlight along with the stars.

Snape's POV
I used my broom to fly around the school. Later, when I reached the top, I saw two people.

Were they the one who sent the Patronuses? I looked closer from behind. Sara and..


They're kissing? What?! N-no.. I know they're the one's that started the whole conversation b-but.. Sara.. Why him?

Just as I landed carefully and silently, they stopped kissing. I still couldn't believe her and Draco..

They looked at the moonlight. I gave them a couple seconds of silence. Then,

"Sara Dean and Draco Malfoy! Good to see you have the same Patronuses... What are you doing here!?"

Draco and Sara just walked away like :

How dare they fuck their shit out!

Sorry this chapter was short ;-; No ideas.

Jealous, Severus?|Draco x OC x SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now