Animal silence followed by sable clouds
The winds gathering their speed and strength
Before a drop is seen, I smell the rain
The air carries a spark of future strain
In the distance, the thunder's boom resounds
I seek shelter from the storm's fury
Moments later, I run amidst the fury
God's face is shielded from me by the clouds
Being punched by the gales (their shrieks resound),
I feel the storm taking away my strength
My heart thunders and every muscle strains
A lightning bolt illuminates the rain.
All my surroundings being crushed by rain
I try to see through the savage fury
This mighty downpour gives my eyes strain
Through the vehement shadows of the clouds
I see friends, gathered in numbered strength
And her for whom my poetry resounds
As the storm's vim continues to resound
So do I continue through the cold rain
Now determined to use each drop of strength
That I aim to unleash my own fury
Against the wrath of unforgiving clouds
For the sake of love does my soul e'er strain
With each of my muscle now taut and strained
The pulsating of blood in my veins resounds
After I've declared war against the clouds
With strikes of lightning and thrashing of rain
Coming down on me in all hell's fury
I shout an orison to God for strength
Her smile sparks a new wave of strength
My heart begins to sing a joyous strain
As I escape from the storm's wild fury
With the laughter of my friends resounding
They rejoice that I got out of the rain
God's almighty love leaves behind the clouds
I have conquered the fury of the clouds
The rain has not plundered me of my strength
And I shall let another strain resound