who would u date

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me: kk guys this îs a question from lrr. lrr read ur question plxzzzz

lrr: who would u rather go out with if u weren't going out with ur CP's

me: I'll go out with Cody

blitz: I knew it I'll go out with blossom

bubbles: I'll go out with butch

buttercup: I'll go out with brick

blossom: I'll go out with blitz

lily: spike

star: bullet

spike: lily

bullet: star

brick: BC

Butch: bubbles

boomer: bunny

bunny: boomer

blade: eh Jena

me: o.o O.o O.O *.* ^_^ ^.^

Cody: Jena

me: o.o O.o O.O *.* ^_^ ^.^

blitz: next question or t or d

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