Shot 3 (Last) - And She Named It

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Let’s get into the story,

Having a pain filled past and memories of betrayal will never let a person to live at present and dream about future. That is how Pragya lived her life after the betrayal she faced by her family members after her parents death. Mohan uncle and Abhi was her only ray of family and she bound her life with them. Unfortunately Mohan uncle died in a flight accident, whereas after that Abhi became Pragya’s everything. She didn't say it but she became completely dependent on him.

Once Purab labeled her as selfish, Abhi’s bursts out made her to admire Abhi even more. The one thing she feared to have with anyone, she scared to do again, is trust anyone wholeheartedly. Being genuine to her, being forever with her aside Abhi won her trust and she finally trusted him and she knows very well that her trust will never get break this time, because Abhi won’t do that ever.

Life was good as she imagined with Abhi. He became a bit more close to her which she felt but there is a distance Abhi started to create with her. They talk, share things, be it professional or personal everything was same as before except their close moments. Abhi stopped kissing her. he did let her to sleep with him at nights but whenever she kissed him, he parts hesitantly. She wondered and didn’t ask him anything about it. It was wholly her wish to kiss him, since his kiss heals her pain, when he is hesitating to reciprocate it, she can’t force him.

One day,

She was checking the file and walked off from her cabin to Abhi’s cabin, as the file needs his sign. She stopped by the conversation between Abhi and Purab, and got to know the reason behind Abhi’s hesitance. Unfortunately she heard it without understanding the actual truth.

“Why are you being like this Abhi? I noticed Pragya tried hugging you but you just moved back, why?” Purab asks confusedly

“How could I let her close Purab when I love…” he stops as his only thought is that he can’t be close to Pragya because now it was not just friendship, now he loves her and she trusts him. He can’t break it just for his own feelings.

“You love I know but this is wrong. Distancing Pragya is really wrong, instead you can share it with her” Purab advised him

Pragya who just got to listen it misunderstood that Abhi was in love someone and he was hesitating to be close with her for this reason only. ‘It means he don’t want to be close with me, only because he love someone else. How I didn’t think about this? But… but why it is hurting me to know that he was in love with someone? Why it is bothering me? ...’ her thoughts break when Abhi answers back Purab

“I think you're right, I should share this to Pragya. I hope she understands me” Abhi said thoughtfully and Purab nods for it.

Pragya moves off from there and entered inside her cabin. She was engrossed in her thoughts about Abhi and his love. She would admire Abhi more that he was becoming more lovable for her. his genuineness for not letting to be close with her because he don’t want to betray the girl he loves. Still in a corner of heart it hurts her to know that Abhi is now someone’s. as Purab said she can’t hold back Abhi in her life forever, some day or the other Abhi has to move on with his life, with happiness.

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