Meeting Penny

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We pulled up to the address. It was an abandoned house. The wood was rotted and the windows were broken. Jughead gulped and I exhaled.

"Don't judge a house by it's cover." Jughead said quietly.

"Come on, Jug...lets go get some answers."

We got out of the car and went towards the door. The door was just as scary as the house. I knocked on the door and a tall-old woman answered it.

"You must be Hugjead and Tebby. Please come in. We've been expecting you." She said slowly.

We walked inside and we were in shock. Spiders were all over the walls and there were cobwebs everywhere. The old lady took us upstairs and opened a closet door. She pressed on the the wall and it opened. Jughead and I reluctantly went inside. She closed the door and we saw Penny sitting on the couch. She was sharpening her pocket knife.

"Malachi called. I was expecting you." She said. Malachi must have been the man who made me do the dance. She stood up and pulled me close.

"We don't want you as a Ghoullie, you Northsider. You're safe for now." She smiled. She then held the knife to my throat and began to choke me.

"Woah Penny! Calm down...we can figure this out! Just let her go!" Jughead yelled. Penny shook her head land the pressure on my neck became intense. Jughead looked around and found a knife in the sink. He took it out and slit horizontally on his wrist. The blood slowly came out of his harm.

"You can trust me, Penny. I'll do anything for her...just let her go!" He said. Penny let go and I ran into Jughead's arms. He hugged me tightly and Penny scoffed. He went in front of me and held me close from the back of him.

"We want to know a few things. Were you blackmailing, Cheryl Blossom?" Jughead asked. She nodded and sat back down on the couch.

"Her dad owes me money. I hired and threatened her girlfriend kill her. I have drug company and I robbed a few places in New York. Anyways, I did threaten Cheryl." She laughed.

"Thank you, Ms. Poopbody. I got that whole thing on recording. Also, I called Sheriff Keller, you have approximately 5 minutes until he arrives here." I smirked. I saw the fear in Penny's eyes and she came at Jughead and I with a pocket knife. I didn't flinch.

"You don't want to go to jail for drugs, robbery, and murder. Do you?" I smirked.

"I'll kill you! I'll freaking kill you!" She yelled.

"You won't hurt her. If you did, I will hunt you, I will find you, and I will end you. Got it?" Jughead grunted. The wall broke down and Sheriff Keller and a few other officers came in. They arrested Penny and we went off clean. 15 minutes down the road, Jughead pulled over.

"Betts, I meant what I said about ending Penny. My mom died while giving birth to my little sister, but you already knew that. My father verbally and physically abuses me. He told me that I was worthless and nobody would ever love me. But you proved him wrong. You think I'm worth loving. I've never loved anything as much as I love you. Nobody has ever loved me, and I've never loved anybody as I love you. Betty, it matters to me what happens to you.'re my life." He smiled. I felt the emotional tears in my eyes and I held his hand. I kissed his hand and I sat on his lap.

"Jughead Jones, until I was 11...I had an abusive father. He hurt me and Polly but worshipped Chic. Chic didn't like that he hurt Polly and he...poisoned him. He poured bleach into the his tall glass of Whiskey. Police said it was a suicide. Because my father was such an awful person, I believed no boy would ever love me. I thought I was gonna be alone forever, until you. You make so happy, and I don't want to lose you, ever! I love you so much!" I said with the tears in my eyes and in the back of my throat. We hugged and then I went back to my side of the truck. It was a good night. It was December 2, 2018. For once, everything felt just fine.

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