late nights | seokmin

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LATE NIGHTS; where seokmin likes bothering you during 3am.

seokmin always manages to annoy the living angel out of y/n by helping himself inside her apartment in ungodly hours.

it came to the point where y/n just leaves her window open, just in case the man decided to climb up during 3am or something.

and whenever he comes in, he's extremely tired.

and when seokmin is tired, he becomes a cuddly and giggly mess.

he would cuddle up under the covers after he closed the windows, wrapping his long arms around you, then whine like a child, saying that he's tired.

he would poke your back with cold fingers until you notice him, a pout in his lips.

then, you would turn around and cuddle him, showering him with warmth and love. because he goddamn deserves it.

he would let out little giggles and be clingy. and oh my god, you wonder how you survive a day with this man without having a heart attack.

and when you try to move, he would just hold you tighter, scrunch up his nose, and say 'NON'.

he would hold you still and gaze lovingly at you, as if you're a piece of art, a treasure.

he would compliment you every ten seconds, probably dozing off in a middle of one, then snapping himself awake.

then, he would tug on you sleeves, asking in a small sleepy voice if you're awake. he would reach over and hold your face in between his hands and grin stupidly.

"i have my whole world in my hands."

after that, he hug hugs you once more and sing you to sleep.


long time no update lmao

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2018 ⏰

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