Chapter One - The Wedding

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Looking in the dirty bathroom mirror Lorna smiled at herself thinking about the day she had just had. She had finally married her perfect man. She knew that the wedding its self was not what she spent years planning when she was younger, but it would have to make do. As the bathroom door opened, Lorna looked across to see Piper enter. 

"Hey Bride," she greeted, stepping closer  to Lorna. Before Lorna had the chance to reply, Piper spoke once again.

"We have a little surprise for you in the common room."

"Really?" Lorna asked, getting excited.

"Come on," Piper grabbed Lorna's hand and dragged her out of the bathroom and began to navigate the both of them through the dingy corridors of the prison.

As they reached the common room, Piper gently placed her hands over Lorna's eyes in order to prevent her from seeing. She guided Lorna inside the room and uncovered her eyes.

"Surprise!" Shouted around thirty inmates who were gathered around. There was a banner high on a wall with the words 'congratulations' written messily on the loo roll. There was a table in the far corner with cups of juice, cookies and a cake, once again with 'congratulations' iced on the top.

"Wow, this is amazing," Lorna said as she looked around in awe.

"We know that Vinny can't be here with you but we can't let you get married with out a party."

Lorna spent the evening eating cookies and walking around talking to people about her wedding. Apart from Vinny being there, the only other thing that could make her day perfect would be Nicky. Nicky. A name that she hadn't said out loud in a few months, a name that she avoided thinking about as much as possible. If she did, she would remember how Nicky was dragged away in handcuffs, and she couldn't bare to replay that scene in her head anymore. She shook away the thoughts of her once frizzy haired lover and focused on her new lover. Her husband. On paper, Vinny was perfect. He was everything Lorna had ever dreamed of when she was a little girl. However, Vinny wasn't Nicky. No one could replace Nicky, but Lorna did need a distraction and Vinny served in that role perfectly. She did love him. She had to love him. 

"Are you feeling okay?" asked Piper as she walked over to her, a slice of cake in her hand.

"Yeah, yeah i'm fine. You know what though, i'm feeling a little tired. I think I need to go to bed."

"Are you sure?" she questioned, a little worried.

"It's been a really exciting but exhausting day, and anyway tomorrow is Christmas, I need to be well rested for that."

"Well I guess goodnight Bride." Lorna smiled as she left.

Upon entering her bunk she reached underneath her so called bed and pulled out a large cut-out of cardboard. Lorna chuckled to herself as she remembered last year when Nicky gave it to her as a Christmas present. The drawing of Lorna's head stuck over to body of a bride and the drawing of Nicky's head stuck over to body of a groom was the first time that Lorna thought she could have a life outside of prison with Nicky. For a very small second she thought of that possibility before she erased it from her mind, she had to marry a man. Now she was married, she should be happy, but why wasn't she? Lorna traced her finger along the scruffy curls of Nicky's hair. Although those curls were only a drawing, she wondered if it would be the closest she would ever get to them again. With Nicky in Max, she wondered if their paths would ever cross.

After looking at the mood-board for a few more moments, Lorna placed it back under her bed, where she kept it. Occasionally she would take it out and look at it, but only for a few moments. It hurt too much to look at it any longer. She didn't realise how much Nicky meant to her until she could no longer have her. Until she was no longer hers.

She rolled over on the hard mattress, looking at the wall. She pulled the thin, scratchy blanket over her head and began to cry. She cried for Nicky being alone in Max on Christmas Eve and she cried at the fact that she may never see her again. Eventually her tears dried up and her eyes began to sting, before letting exhaustion take over her body and fall into a light sleep.


Hey, this will have five chapters in total in which I will post one every Saturday in the lead up to Christmas. This was only the introduction so was much shorter than all the others. As always, please comment letting me know your thoughts. Thanks!

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