Chapter Four - The Ghost Of Times Yet To Come

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Lorna found herself walking down an unfamiliar street with Red by her side.

"What are we doing here?" she questioned. It was snowing and because she was only wearing a prison nightie she knew she should be cold, so she was glad she was in the middle of this dream, or vision, or whatever it may be.

"I want to show you something," she replied. Lorna decided not to question what, she had learnt that she wasn't going to get an answer like that.

Red began to point to a person sat in a bus stop. It was hard to see anything about the person because they were wearing a black beanie and had a thin, dirty coat pulled up over their face. It was also dark out.

"Is that Nicky?"

"Go and look."

Lorna did as she was told and approached the figure. While she knew the person couldn't see her, it still felt a little awkward.

The person lifted their head up slightly and sure enough, it was Nicky. She had bags under her eyes and she looked tired and sweaty.

"Is this where she sleeps?" Lorna asked, looking back up at Red.

"She has no where else to go."

"What about you? Me?"

"No one has seen her since she got sent to Max."

Lorna couldn't believe what she was hearing. She couldn't believe that this was the life Nicky was leading now. She knew what an amazing person Nicky was and she knew that she was intelligent, she hated the fact that her life was being wasted like that.

A rich looking man walked past but stopped when he saw Nicky. He looked her square in the face.

"You disgust me. Go and get a job," he said before walking off. It broke Lorna's heart hearing how someone could speak to Nicky like that, to anyone like that.

A tear fell from Nicky's eye. She wanted to comfort her. She wanted to hold her tightly, kiss her forehead and tell her that everything would be okay. Tell her that her life was worth something and that she was loved.

That was when Lorna realised she had just made the biggest mistake of her life. A bigger mistake than getting sent to prison, because in prison she met Nicky and she knew that she loved Nicky, Not Vinny. She married Vinny in order to forget about Nicky, but it was impossible to hide her feeling anymore.

"I love her," Lorna said plainly.

"I know you do. And she loves you too. She would do anything for you."

"How do I make this right?" Lorna asked, she needed to do something. Before Red could reply, Nicky stood up and walked towards an ally. Lorna and Red followed.


Nicky approached a man, completely wearing black.

"How much?" she asked, croakily. Lorna knew what was happening and she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Fifty," he replied. Nicky looked unsure.

"I don't have fifty," she replied. The man took a minute to think before speaking again.

"Fine. As your a first time customer, it's on the house." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bag of white powder. He handed it to Nicky and she muttered some kind of 'thanks' before walking away. 

Nicky went back to the bus shelter. Lorna watched helplessly as Nicky overdosed right in front of her.

"What happens to her?" Lorna questioned, not really wanting to know that answer.

"Keep watching."


Lorna stood at the end of a hospital bed with two Doctors trying to pump her stomach.

One Doctor looked towards the other and shook his head.

"We need to stop."

The other agreed.

"Time of death, 21:32."

"No!" screamed Lorna.

Lorna closed her eyes and when she opened them again, she was outside a church. She saw Nicky's Mother talking to two other people beside a large oak tree.

"Overdose apparently. Of course that would be how she dies," Marka began. "I've always know Nicole would end up like this. She's never been good for anyone."

"But she's good for me," said Lorna. "I love her. I want her. I need her."

"You should've told her that. You should've shown her that. Think of all the times she's been there for you," said Red.

Lorna looked over as the casket holding Nicky was lowered into the ground. She ran up to the edge of the hole.

"What do I do?"

"Tell her how your really feel."

Suddenly the sky went black and Red disappeared, along with everyone else. The casket opened Lorna saw Nicky's body.

Lorna felt a strong gust of wind and she fell down the hole, screaming. She landed on top of Nicky. The casket shut and she was plunged into darkness.

"Please!" Lorna screamed. "I promise to give Nicky all my love. I promise to be there for her. I love her! Please!"

There was a bright flash of light, causing Lorna to shut her eyes tightly.


I'll post the final chapter on Christmas Day. Please comment and let me know what you think about this. Thanks!

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