chapter 5

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plz tell me what u think vote plz  it is the 5th chapter and there is no comments should i stop writting ????



all i was thinking about is my sister how will she like with 9 boys in the same house i am so worried about here since our parents died she changed she is no longer sweet innocent cherfull ali what happened to her after i woke up i had my shower and had some breakfast and went to talk to the guys i should warn them if anyone hurt my sister he will be dead we have enough problems for now

"hey man what are u doin" i ask jason

"we were going to go have a jump in the pool are u coming " jason asks

"yeah sure just wait i 'll go wear my trunks "

"ask your sister she hasbeen in her room since ever "jason said

"okay i am gonna ask her and btw anyone of u hurt her he is dead "

i walk away after telling jason that he seems like a great guy not like alex he treat us as if we owe him cause we are living in his house i start going up the stairs and go to ali i knock the door and enter


i hear a knock at the door and the persone  enter i see my brother

"hey ali me and the guys are gonna have some fun and go to the pool wanna join us "jay says

i think for a bit then answer"okay jay u go i will catch with u later "

i start thinking what should i wear this is step one to make alex see what he is missing i search for my swimsuits and choose the black bikini i looks the best on me this should be intresting i decide to wear a huge shirt over it and start going down stairs

when i reach the pool i hear the boys laughing with my brother i am happy he is getting over mom and dad's death that's good righ i go out to the backyard and see the beautifull garden with beautifull colourfull flowers i start walking to the pool when the guys notice me i take off my shirt and i hear whistles i look at alex and see his eyes full of lust and regret i ignore him and jump into the water

"so guys we are going to the mall this afternoon right "

"right so be ready at 2 kay and we don't have to take aiden so don't tell him we are going "jason answer

we start splashing each other see which one jump better untill we are so tired we get out of the pool and we race to the bathrooms

"on three 1 ...2....3"

we start going so quickly that i forgot to wear my flipflops me and caleb are going the same way i slip infront of the bathroom and i try to reach for caleb's hand but i end up taking him down he fell rght on top of me talk about akward suddenly we hear someone clear there throat behind us

"klutz "definatly alex

"caleb can u plz get off me "i say when he gets off me i look to him and  my cheeks turn red instantly

"ali u can go first "caleb says he is so kind

________while ali is in the bathroom

"is there something u wanna tell me caleb "alex says with anger


"okay see ya "

_______ALISON P.O.V

i started to get dressed to go to the mall it is freaking hot so i decided on short shorts with a blue tight tank top i step out of my room to find the guys downstairs

we start getting in the car and after 10 minutes wooh the mall is too close to the hastings house i step out of the car

"guys i am gonna go buy some outfits we meet at the foodcourt after an hour "

alex takes my phone from my pocket and write his number

"if u get lost just call me klutz " alex says

"okay bye "

i start entering the mall and when i find my favorite store i go in MACEY'S  is the best store ever i start going throught the clothes when i find the best dress ever i remembered about the party tommorow and decide to buy it it is a strapless dress it is blue not dark blue nor light blue it is kind of shades of blue's it is perfect i find a beautiful blouse and decide to buy it too after shopping in maceys i decide to look aroung when i found a group of guys coming to me there were 3 of them

"are u new here i never saw u here before " a guy with dark black hair said

"yeah i am alison "

"i am matt "

"i am Aaron"

"i am justin"

"nice to meet u guys i have to go to the foodcourt do u wanna join me "


we start walking as they ask me random question

"where do u live ? "matt asks

"i live with the hastings "

"ohh u r the new girl that alex told me about "Aaron answer

"yeah u know alex!!!"what the hell

"yeah we have been best friends since highschool"

"okay "

we go to the foodcourt and i instantlly find the hastings

"hey alex we met ali "matt says

"yeah what do u think"

"man she is hot u should take her to the party tommorow "matt says

"yeah she is coming "

i hear matt and alex talking and i am shocked matt think i am hot what about alex does he think tha too we eat some pizza and decide to go home we get in the car and we start talking

"so u met my friends what do u think " alex asks hesitatly

"matt is really cute Aaron is a bit shy and justin's cool "

my brothers clears his throat and hear him says "GROOSE"

we go home have our dinner and we sleep instantly tommorow is the big day i have to show alex what is he up against the only problem is jay he can't see me playing alex or i will be in deep shit that the last thing i thought before going up to my room mrs hastings fixed two rooms for me and jay my room is beside's caleb and opposite to alex great i enter the room and i am thrilled it looks so good the room is light blue and when u close the lights there is starts that shine that looks so magical the bed is so huge i can sleep here till forever and there is a huge path throught my closet and there is a separate bathroom i will thank mrs hastings tommorow

i start unpacking i put everything in it's place and decide to unpack the things i got today i unpack for too whole hours then decideto call rosie she answers after the first beat

"hey girl what are u doing "

"i just moved to my room it looks freakin cool "

"so what is your plan about alex "rosie asks enthusiasticaly

"how do u know that there is a plan "

" i know u ali tell me the plan " rosie answer i tell her what hapeened today i tell her about matt Aaron and justin i tell her how alex looked when he saw me in my bikini and finally i told her about the party i decided to go to sleep since i was so tired from unpacking


what did u think should i write more or what tell me what u think i am leaving tommorow night for the holiday i will be back on monday plz i want votes and comments

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