Chapter 3: Yumiko

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Now, before we get started, I would like to mention that from now on, the chapter will be typed as if it's the actual legend saying it. Ok, that's it.

It was dark. It was cold. I had my fellow Brawlhalla members beside me as I try to go to sleep. We had been walking all day, searching. Searching for the missing Gauntlets. Not even Kor-238's world scan could help us. Are we ever going to find them? We've already recovered one of the pieces. The spectral bow. Legend says that if we find both pieces, we could form a powerful legend, named Zariel.

Why send me though? Sure, I can teleport around, but I don't see that as a valid reason. I miss my family. "Something wrong, Yumi?" I startled as I heard a voice creeping up behind me. I turn around, Hammer in hand... but it turns out, it was just Ada. "Oh gosh... I'm sorry, Ada." I look down in shame, after not realizing it was her. "It's no worries, Yumi. Happens all the time. Anyway, what's keeping you up?" After I hesitate not to talk, Ada puts her hand on mine, showing that she's here for me. "It's just... I miss everyone. Back at the Brawlhalla... and my relatives." I say sadly. She giggles a little. "I mean, you can't miss them THAT much. You were raised by wolves... werewolves, at that." I look down in shame. Is she teasing me? That's just great... I have a hard time and Ada makes it worse. I let out a little pout, hoping Ada doesn't notice it. "Oh, jeez! I'm sorry, Yumi! I was just messing around... I didn't mean to-" I cut her off, as we lie down and stare at the stars. "It's fine." ... We lie in silence for a few minutes, until Ada breaks it. "Listen... I know it's rough. You're pretty new to the Brawlhalla, and you're already going on a huge mission. Just know... I'm here. We're all here. and... I think you'll be a great member in the Brawlhalla." Ada would've said more, if Caspian didn't cut her off. "Oh god, can you two just fuck already?" Both of us stare at him in disgust. "I'm sorry, but I'm trying to sleep, and your dumbass motivational speeches are keeping me up. Quiet down." Ada really gets heated over that message, and her face starts to turn red. I try to calm her down, by hugging her, but, alas... it doesn't work. "I'm sorry, Caspi. I don't remember being the one with thirteen vocal warnings within a month." Ada says with a grin on her face. Caspian stands up, katars in hand, and walks towards us. "I thought I told you to shut the fuck up about that." Ada stands up with a stern look on her face. She pulls out her spear, from behind her back. "Are you threatening me, pipsqueak?" "Oh, I am, whore!" After a few more minutes of arguing, Ada pulls back and almost hits Caspian. I interrupt with my glowing fox tails behind me, "Both of you, just shut up!" They both look at me in surprise. I've never yelled that loud, at least not while in the Brawlhalla. "Listen to you two! YOU ARE HEROES! You need to represent what justice is all about, not argue over something as dumb as that!" I say as my tails start to fade. We all sit down, backs facing each other. "I'm sorry..." Ada says, sounding like she's about to cry. "No no, don't apologize... I shouldn't have escalated it." Caspian says, lying down after. "Let's get some sleep. We're almost to the gauntlets, I can feel it! Let's hope we can do it by tomorrow." I say, trying to sound as motivational as Ada did. They don't say another word before we all drift off to sleep.


After last night's "incident" we barely talk during our journey today. Some fellow legends let out sighs, but it's mostly quiet. Not even our most "talkiest" talker, Cassidy, is saying anything. However, I can say that we've gotten so far, we can now see the mountain where we think the gauntlets could be. But I feel like theres a catch... maybe theres a giant monster guarding them! Or... a large Kor, ready to ambush us when we try to grab them! Unlikely, yet interesting to think about. ... I'm getting bored. All I do is stay in the back in case theres an enemy coming from behind, which I doubt will ever happen. So, I've referred to counting all my clanmates alongside me on the journey. Over, and over, and over. Ada, Caspian, Me, Kor-238, Cassidy, Isaiah, ... but after doing it five-hundred and thirty-six times, it also gets boring. I decide to break the silence. "So... how did everyone sleep... last night?" I ask, awkwardly. "Besides the slight interruptions from Kor's fellow teammates, like a baby! Sleeping on rocks is Kor's favorite thing to do." Kor always seems to talk in the third person. Probably because it doesn't have a gender... or a word to call it besides "it". "That's... uh... good." Caspian says with a confused expression on his face. We walk for a few more minutes, before I finally step in, "Okay, look. I realize that last night was... weird. There was a large argument, that almost ended in a fight. But, that's the past! Our future is finding the Dawn Bringers, and taking credit for it. We shouldn't reminisce over something that happened a few hours ago, when we can hope for how great it's going to be to get those damn gauntlets!" Everyone looks at me, all with a slight smirk. "Yeah, Yumi. I guess you're right." Ada says with a smile. I'm glad everyone is finally calm now. ... A few more hours go by, with nothing happening. The most we've seen is a black cat wandering around the fields. But, we're almost inside the mountain. According to Bödvar, if we go inside the mountain, there will be a cart to take us all the way up. But, we should be careful. Nobody knows if someone might attempt to attack us. We should keep our guard up. Once we get inside the mountain, everyone collapses. We've been walking for eight hours straight. However, Kor-238 seems fine. "Goddamn... that hill was fuckin' hell on my calves." Isaiah says, taking deep breaths between sentences. "We can't just sit here all night. The mountain is up 5,460 feet high. ... yet the minecart seems to go only three miles per hour at most. So it should take about seven hours from right here to get the cart all the way up." Ada says, looking at her device for the information. Everyone lets out a long "Ugh..." But, we have to deal with it. Besides, the cart has seats in it. Good place for a good rest. "Welp. Let's stop stalling." I say. We all enter the cart, and go up the mountain.

Heya! Sorry it's been so long. School and stuff ;-;. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this one! Just to note, I'm not going by the actual Brawlhalla story. This is just a fanfic that I'm doing my own way, just for fun. See you in the next one!

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