Seventeen KPOP
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Jun is the hottest model in China and everyone wanted to date him but the problem is he can't fell in love.
He see movies, inappropriate video to get his mood, and meet girls. But there is nothing in his head.
Until one day...
The beautiful and amazing cover that vantaeciousmade for me that was suppose to be mention in. (Above)
{Third POV}
At the high building in China, famous models goes take photo shoot and doing some artistic work of photograph. Like shooting for sport, fashion, nudes, and etc.
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One of the model start getting shooting of famous sportswear. His name Jun and he is 26 year old but he never understand or feel love or to be loved.
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But anyway, Jun get more and more pic for this famous sportswear that this company got advertised in then he was finishing to head home.
He nod and get rid off his makeup but still looking good without. He grab his bags and head out as his thoughts wonder why he can't understand love.
He does all the ways to understand by watching, meeting, and seeing love but there is nothing. He decided to walk in downtown and saw everyone getting food or shopping.
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He look around as the sky get dark in China and he smile until he felt a shoulder and suddenly began to fall. He close his eye if something will hurt but nothing in pain. Jun groan and lift him up then open his eye to see a guy in black mullet and wearing a street hip hop artist.
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He blink as the guy in mullet look down if he is embarrassed and Jun got off then help him up. He said, "Sorry man." The guy nod and said, " was my fault for not seeing you.."
Jun smile and said, "Aw don't feel that was also my fault for not paying attention." The guy look up and slightly give a smile which Jun's heart happen to beat for the first.
Jun hum as he felt it and thought it was someone else bumping into him so he ignore it. The guy said, "Um...I should go...Bye.." As the guy begin to leave, Jun quickly grab his arm and said, " love to...see you again...repayments for what I done.."
The guy almost caught his breath and said, "It-it not needed..." Jun smile and said, "Please." The guy sigh and look at Jun with the sky in the background looking like a god.
The guy said, "If you want to meet me, head downtown and that restaurant. I will be there, performing." Jun wonder about this guy and nod then the guy run off.
Jun sigh as he leave and once he walk back, he stopped himself again then look back to see the guy walking off. Jun said, "Meet you downtown...and the restaurant..that you would perform...I will.."
Jun smile as he turn back and quickly head out before anyone can ask who he is and why.