Seventeen KPOP
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Jun is the hottest model in China and everyone wanted to date him but the problem is he can't fell in love.
He see movies, inappropriate video to get his mood, and meet girls. But there is nothing in his head.
Until one day...
They enter in and got a table to join their lunch-dinner then Minghao said, "Wow! What a fancy place to eat!" Jun shrug and said, "Not all fancy..." then look at the menu to avoid making eye contact.
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Minghao smile and look at Jun whose just reading the menu then a voice in his head said, 'Come on 8~. Make a move on him or else..' Minghao gulp and said, "Um...Jun?"
Jun hum as he look up and Minghao said, " on" Jun gasp and searching where it is to get rid of it which make Minghao laugh a bit. Minghao said, "Ok..okay...hold still." as he lean over to Jun.
Jun froze by how close he is in and felt something before Minghao sat down. Minghao hold a flower from Jun's hair and said, "There." Jun smile slightly as his face feel a bit hot. The imaginary Minghao chuckle and said, "Aw~. It is true~. You do-."
Jun said in his head, "No, I am not. I check twice in my life." The real Minghao look at him and said, "Jun, your face is burning?" Jun freak out and grab a napkin then pat on himself. Jun said, "I am sure the weather is burning..hehe."
Minghao nod slowly and said, "So how about you get....water to cool down and maybe eat, is some refreshing Yes?" Jun seem speechless by how caring he is to help him.
Jun smile brightly and said, "Now what is this~? I never see you caring toward a stranger like me?" Minghao hum and said, "Yeah...but why not? I want to be friend...with you." Jun feel like he got pale and his head explode then imaginary Minghao chuckle.
The real Minghao said with his eye shining through, "Is it...fine by you?" Jun said, "I always fine with your request. Beside I do..too want to be friend with you." The two got their foods and begin to eat before praying to Buddha.
After lunch, Minghao and Jun walk back to the performance and Minghao said, "Oh it's my turn to dance. Want to see me dance?" Jun smile like his heart is suddenly saying yes and follow him to the 'stage'.
Minghao asked Jun, "Got a request to dance to?" Imaginary Minghao push Jun shoulder if it is time to tell him. Jun nod and said, "Beautiful by Bazzi?" The real Minghao look at him and said, "What a coincidence. I was planning to do it but I guess I can do it! Sure!" Minghao walk to the stage and ask his friend to play that song.
As the song begin to started, Minghao begin to move to the beat and put a lot of passion toward it. Jun gasp in shock and got his camera out then start recording him.
Jun suddenly felt that pain in his chest and the imaginary Minghao chuckle again then he said, "It is true! Come on, don't deny it!" Jun decide to ignore him and focus on the real him.
Minghao look at Jun and that voice chuckle in Minghao head then said, "How cute~. Can't keep your eye off him...or me." Minghao kept dancing no matter what even if his imaginary Jun is distracting him.
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As the song ended, Jun clapped loudly with everyone and walk toward Minghao by how exciting it was. But suddenly a girl run to Minghao and hug him in passion which stops Jun.
Imaginary Minghao groan and said, "Ew she is back." Jun look at his imaginary in confusion and look back to see the girl smiling happily in his arm. Jun said, "Uh...Minghao?" Minghao hum and said in sadistic tone, "Uh right...this is my...girlfriend, Sarai."
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She wave at him and said, "Hi~. I miss you Minghao baby~." He hum as he pat her hair then imaginary Minghao want to throw up. Jun said in his head, "He or you don't like her?"
Imaginary Minghao nod and said, "She is a mistake since she always hang out with other guys in bar or club." Jun shook his head and look at the real Minghao to see his happiest disappearing slowly. Jun said, "Well nice to meet you...but I need to talk you Minghao."
Minghao look confused but Jun grab his arm if he is full of anger. He take him away from Sarai's grip and move to the side then said to Minghao, "I love your performance, 8." Minghao chuckle and fix his bangs then said, "oh..R-really?"
Jun nod as he see a bit of happy coming back. Sarai walk up to the two and said, "Babe, it is almost time to go home. Come on and said bye to your fan." Jun growl softly for no one to hear and hide his fist then said, "Bye 8."
Minghao smile and said, "Give me your hand." Jun froze and imaginary Minghao smirk then make Jun hand lift up for the real Minghao. Minghao got a pen and wrote something down as Jun look at him.
Minghao smile slightly and said, "Done. Now bye." as he hide his smile and walk off with his girlfriend. Jun slowly got his arm back and look at it to see a phone number.
Jun gasp and the pain of his chest grew more then imaginary Minghao said, "Let's the game...begin!"