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No. Children could make me literally insane. I have eight sisters and two brothers (whom I love dearly)but I know what children are like

I have two older sisters, and one older brother... The rest being younger.

Now, if you have read the first... Chapter of this book, you know I'm against marriage. But I believe that in order to have children, you must have a relationship. I don't like children nor the idea of them. Let's start off with that once you have a child, there are many chances to birth defects. I have nothing against mentally challenged people, as one of my friends is just that.

Some parents can be abusive, parent relationships may not last (then where does the child go?) and there's just an endless amount of possibilities.

I also know from experience children and babies can be brats.

A baby crying is my worst nightmare. If you put me in a five story building (at the top) and the room I was in had one window, and one crying baby, even if you told me step by step how to stop that child from crying, is jump out the window before getting close enough to do so.

They drool

They stink

They're sticky

And just too much responsibility

Oh my god I probably sound so bitter...

But then again.. Who cares. This is just a vent


I've decided to call these 'chapters', although this isn't a real book and more of notes...

Much love,


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