From Sushi to Mars

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Yaz pulled the car up in front of a red brick building with a bright neon sign that lit up the rain the fell down and harder that moments ago. "Thought you might like this place, it's small but their sushi is killer."
The Doctor knew she'd like anything Yaz liked, she'd have a hard time not. "I love small restaurants, they're always the best y'know, really comes from the heart."She beamed before opening the car door and waited for Yaz to do the same. The Doctor opened the door and held it for the other to walk through before following. "Go sit, I'll order, okay?" Yaz nudged the Doctor to sit. "I'm in charge this time." The human smiled making her little dimple show, she was so cute. The Doctor did as she was told and sat down at a booth, she rested her chin down on the table and fiddled with the napkin dispenser, staring at her warped reflection on the silver casing. Her goofy lovey smile still plastered on her warm face. First holding Yaz's hand and now eating dinner with her? It was like a dream come true for the lonesome alien. She couldn't believe herself. Getting all lovey dovey and giddy over another human girl? Embarrassing, but she couldn't help it. She put her face in her arms as she laughed and smiled, she just couldn't stop thinking about her, about hugging her, holding her hand, dancing with her, even kissing her! They were crazy inappropriate things to think about as things should stay friendly, not romantic. She knew how her romances ended, she couldn't keep letting that happen to such beautiful people.

"Are you okay?" The Doctor felt a hand on her back, of course she also recognized that voice as well. She sat up straight again. "Yeah, sorry. Jus' thinking!" She smiled and noticed the food that the other girl was placing on the table. "Looks great." She grabbed some chop sticks and started piling the food in her mouth. "You.. should probably.. slow down?" Yaz was confused but also sort of bewildered at how fast she was eating that food. Also worried she'd choke. The Doctor did slow down, as her face scrunched and she coughed, quickly reaching over for the water and swallowing almost all of it in second. She wiped off her tongue with her hands and coughed again.

"Wasabi?" Yaz laughed with a raised brow and handed the woman over her water as well. The Doctor nodded and whimpered before gulping down Yaz's water too. She gasped and sighed exasperated before laughing and putting her hands on her face. "I'm a idiot." She continued laughing. "Happens to the best of us, Doc." The human laughed alongside the Doctor. The Doctor seemed embarrassed, it was really cute. The Doctor continued eating but this time took her time, having had learned her lesson. "So, how's the fam?" The Doctor asked and looked across the table.

"I thought we all agreed that 'fam' isn't as cool as you thing?" Yaz dipped a California roll in some soy sauce before putting it in her mouth. "Well, I think it's quite cool!....okay, no, you're right." She gave in, she just wanted to be cool, she just wasn't so good at it.
"Anyway, they're fine. They keep asking when you'll come over again. My nan's even dying to meet you sense she hasn't gotten the chance yet, at least not that she can remember." Yaz laughed again, recalling the time the Doctor married her nan and her husband. "You've really made an impression on them." A woman came by and refilled their drinks. "Pretty sure I make an impression on everyone for better or worse." The Doctor looked as though she was going to say something else but stopped and frowned before looking at the glass of water in front of her. "Ever seen 'Jurassic Park'?" A odd question.

"Well yeah, of course." Yaz respond and raised her eyebrow. The Doctor looked down at her water again, this time Yaz's eyes followed. The water rippled. Almost like footsteps. "Oh please don't tell me there's a t-rex in Sheffield."
"Hey, there was a t-rex in Victorian London once...who knows..." The Doctors voice was quiet as she turned to look out the restaurant window. People stood in the street, staring in awe at something. God, it felt like something was always happening. The Doctor lived for something always happening. She jolted out of the booth. "Right then! Yaz, ready for some action?!" She ran out the door, Yaz followed after leaving money on the table for their meal. The Doctor began asking the people what they were staring at and they all said "the puddles" How odd.

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