A Night with the Headmaster

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The next morning Kitri rushed to the dark arts classroom, making it in only about five minutes before the first period was supposed to start. She slumped into her seat and sighed. "Made it!" She thought triumphantly as she slumped over her desk.

Memories of what happened the night before flooded through her head, and she smiled blushing lightly. To think she was almost late to teach her first period because she was cuddled up in the arms of the headmaster.

She shook her head as she straightened up, realizing she needed to focus. The first group of students began taking their seats, looking around with a bit of confusion when they realized their usual instructor was nowhere to be seen.

Kitri stood in front of the class. "Your professor is not feeling well today, so I will be taking over for your lesson. We will be learning the Ventus Jinx today."

Halfway through fourth period Snape quietly walked in, and stood in the back of the classroom, watching Kitri teach.

Kitri locked eyes with him. "Is there anything I can help you with, Professor Snape?" She inquired, doing her best to sound as professional as possible.

"A word, please?" He droned. She nodded once and followed him into the hallway. Excited whispered filled the room as she left, and she warned them that house points would be taken for anyone that is still talking when she comes back inside, instructing them to focus on their reading instead. 

His expression softened when they stepped out of view of others. "I wanted to check in on how you were doing on your own, but you seem to be holding up well."

Kitri beamed. "Thank you. That's very nice of you."

He paused seemingly unsure of how to make the words out. "Would you-" He cleared his throat. "Would you like to join me for some wine later?"

"Certainly!" She said happily and winked as she walked back into her classroom, leaving Snape in the hallway with a smug half smile.

Kitri rushed to the potions classroom as soon as her last period ended.

As she stopped at the door to his chambers, she suddenly felt very nervous for some reason. She could hear music playing softly inside.

She paused, closed her eyes, inhaled deeply and slowly exhaled, before knocking twice quickly while opening her eyes.

She heard movement and tried to look a lot less anxious than she was feeling in case he checked the small peephole on his chamber door. Odd that he would have one on a door hidden with magic, but she shrugged it off.

He answered the door in a few seconds. "It was open." He teased.

"Well I did not want to assume." Kitri retorted. "It is really nice to see you."

He was wearig a very well tailored button up black suit, similar to the one he usually wares under his robes, buttons going all the way up to his neck.

That type of sophisticated look along with his soothing voice is exactly what got her interested in the first place.

He held her gaze longer than usual, and Kitri walked around him to place her bag onto a side table next to the fireplace.

She took off her jacket and he gasped lightly as he saw the corset she was wearing under her robes.

She turned toward him, and smiled sheepishly. "Yes, I have interesting tastes in clothing on occasion." She chuckled, as his eyes ran up and down her body.

He walked up to her, and turned her to face him. He could see a small bit anxiousness in her face. "I am very pleased that that you are here." He said in a low voice as he pulled her toward him by her waist.

They hugged for a few full minutes just listening to eachothers uneven breaths, as he breethed in her scent. She smelled of lavender, fresh linen, and something else a bit sweet that he couldn't quite put his finger on.

He kissed the top of her head, and she looked up at him. He was looking down at her with a infatuated look before he leaned in to kiss her, and she returned his kiss eagerly.

The kiss quickly turned more passionate, and Snape did not pull away until they were both out of breath. When she saw his face, mouth covered in her lipstick she burst out laughing.

"Oh did I get some on me?" He questioned playfully.

She pulled him towards his bathroom while trying to stiffle her giggles. "Yes, you must go look at yourself."

He chuckled as he saw his reflection in the mirror as turned on the sink to wash her lipstick off.

He handed her a small hand towel after using it to dry his face. "A drink then?"

Kitri nodded, following him to the small kitchette.

"I have firewhiskey. Oh, I also have some wine."

"What kind? Is it sweet at all?" She asked instantly realizing that this was the wrong way to ask for dry wine.

"It's a Chardonnay actually." He pulled the bottle out and showed her.

"Perfect. That's actually my favorite."

He poured them two glasses before they moved to sit on the couch.

Kitri asked him about his meeting with the dark lord.

Snape suddenly hesitated.

"It was the usual business. We are required to meet, but there really was not much
To report. It feels a bit pointless really, but I guess the alternative is much worse."

Kitri shrugged while playfully leaning into him. "So any ideas on how to get me in?"

Snape shook his head. "No, and to make matters worse, he is suspicious of me since I have not had new information for him as of late. But I think I have an idea." He said suddenly. "If I have you meet Bellatrix, and although she is an awful crazy woman, she may provide a way to help. You may unfortunately need to do a bit of work to get on her good side." Severus said, and Kitri cast her gaze to the ground with a smile.

They sipped their wines as they talked about the plan, and after she finished her glass he got up to refill both glasses. Snape finished off the bottle by filling them fairly heavily, and came back to the couch handing her the glass.

"I'm taking this damned thing off." Kitri said in frustration, as she got up and walked over to her things while taking her corset off.

He watcher her as she revealed a shiny black revealing top. She pulled out a thin black cardigan to cover herself up a bit.
He sat down, lightly leaning onto his side of the couch, while having his body mostly face her, she lightly leaned against him. He started tracing her skin with his fingers as they talked.

"I feel like I don't deserve this. Having you here." He whispered against her ear as she bit her lip.

"Funny. I feel like I'm the lucky one in this situation."

Snape chuckled. "Just look at you..." He said while lightly tracing her cheek with his fingers. He leaned in and kissed her as she leaned into the kiss. His grip on her tightened as it deepened.

Kitri moaned against him, as his hands started to run up and down her body. His touch sent shivers down her spine, and she threw her arms around his neck. "You are intoxicating." He breathed.

He picked her up, taking her into the bedroom, dropping her onto his bed.

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