The flu

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So Jj got back. " Here's your drink." She told me. " Thanks" I told her. " Can I talk to you Jj?" I asked her. " Yea" she told me while she helped me up. " Let's talk in my room." I told her. " Okgay!" We walked up the stairs. " I don't feel good i feel sick Jj" I told her. " Are you ok let's take you to the doctor" she asked. " Yes we need to but only me and you." I said while picking out jeans and a shirt. So we are driving there. Jj is 18 now she's old to drive she has her driver l license. So we got there and the doctor said I have the Flu. So we got home. " Guys I have to tell y'all something" I said. They all looked at me. " I'm sick I have the Flu" I said. " How?" Sam asked. " We don't know." I told them. " So you have to flu?" Trevor asked. He asked that when he came down the stairs. " Yea why?" I asked. " I don't know." Trevor asked. So I went in my room. I turned on my TV and watched a movie. In the middle of the movie. Someone ran threw the door. It was Taylor. He didn't know that I had the flu. " Hey Em are you ok?" Taylor asked. " No I have the flu." I said while trying not to cough. " How Em?" Taylor asked. " I have no idea." I told him. " Can I bring the boys in here so they can see you?" taylor asked. " Yeah!" I said. So they came in." Hey Emmie" Matt said. " Hey Matt." I said while hugging him. So I got out of bed. Then I realized I was in a thong and a bra. " Sexyyyyyy" Carter said. " Cute as fuck." Matt said. " Hella cute!" Carter said. " Damn dat cute!" Cam said. " Fuckkk your so cute!" Taylor said. So I just walked down stairs like this. " Hey baby" Sam said. " Hey wait a minute I wanna get my blanket from upstairs." I told everyone. So I got it and sat on the couch with Matt. While Sam talked to Kian about Macgon and sunshine tour. " Babe take your pills!" Sam told me. " Ok but when is Macgon and Sunshine tour?" I asked while I took my pill. " In two months." Taylor said. " Ok!" I said. So I sat back down with Matt. So I was leaned against Matt. Taylor sat down on the other side of me. So I fell asleep on Taylor and Matt.

Two weeks passed by.

So I got up. I wasn't sick anymore. So I walked down stairs where everyone was looking at me. I bend over to put my hair in a messy bun. When someone came down the stairs and slap my ass. " Hey what was that for KiKi!" I asked Kian because he came down the stairs when I put my hair up. " I don't know." Kian told me. " Where's Sam?" I asked. " In his real room." Jc told me. " Thanks Jc." I told him. " Where's Jj?" I asked looking around. " At the park" Carter told me. So I ran upstairs to see Sam. " Hey Sammy!" I said scaring the shit out of him. " Hey baby!" Sam said. So I walked over to him and crawled on top of him. I kissed his Abs. " Baby don't tease" Sam told me. " Do you wanna come to the park with me?" I asked. " Yea why?" Sam asked. " To find Jj" I said while getting up and grabbing one of his shirts. " Ok!" Sam said. So we got dressed. I got my penny board. We rode there. I saw Jj with a girl kissing. " Hey is that Jj with that girl?" Sam asked. " Yea Jj is gay if you didn't know." I told him. " Oh!" Sam said. " Hey Jj!" I said to Jj. " Hey Emmie" she said while getting up to hug me. " Who's that?" I asked. " That's Angel." She said. " Hi Angel I'm Emma Jj best friend!" I said. " Hi I'm Angel Jj girlfriend!" Angel told me. " Angel this is Sam my boyfriend" I said. " Hi Angel" Sam said. " Hi Sam" she said. " let's go home and see if we all wanna go to Starbucks" I said. So we rode home. Angel was nice. She knew how to ride a penny board. So we got home. " Who wants Starbucks?" I screamed. They all said yes. So we rode there on are penny boards. Well most of us. Me Jj Sam and Angel all rode in Taylor's Car. So we got there and we all order. " Emma Who is that girl with Jj?" Matt whisper. " Thats Jj girlfriend. Jj is gay." I told him. " Let's go to the park." Jj said. " Ok let's go." So we walked there. Ricky and Taylor went to go put up there cars and ride back on penny boards. So everyone got here. " WAIT LISTEN UP GUYS!" I screamed. They all looked at me. " This is Jj girlfriend Angel. Jj is gay!" I told them. " Ok let's go!" I screamed while running. After like 3 hours we all just sat down. " Who wants to walk around Cali?" Carter Asked. " Ok sure lets go!" I said.

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