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So I'm at Trevor's house. " Trevor I'm sorry for your lost." I said hugging him and pulling him closer. " Thank you Em. I miss Little so much." Trevor said. So I stayed at Trevor's house the whole day. Sam called me. " Is Trevor ok Em?" Sam asked. " Yeah sort of." I said. " Ok I love you" Sam said. "I love you too bye I gotta go." I said. " Bye Baby." Sam said. I hung up. " Trevor do you want to come to my house?" I asked. " Sure." Trevor said. " Get dressed. I am gonna ask Taylor if he can come pick us up." I said. " Hey Tay" I said. " Hey baby girl what's up." Taylor said. "Can you pick us up at Trevor's house?" I asked. " Yeah sure be there in 5" Taylor said. I hung up. " Are you dressed Trevor?" I asked. " Yeah Em." Trevor said while walking over to me. " Ok we are gonna wait outside." I said. " Ok Baby." Trevor said while holding my hand. " Ok Trev." I said while kissing him. " Let's go." I said. We walked out his room. " Mom we are going to Emma's house." Trevor said. " Ok sweetie" she said. We walked out the door. Taylor was here. " Ima sit in the back ok." Trevor said. " Ok. Is it ok if I sit in front?" I asked Trevor. " Yeah it's ok." Trevor said while opening the front door to Taylor's car. " Thanks Baby." I said. " Your welcome Babe." Trevor said. " Hey baby cake and Trevor." Taylor said. " Heya!" I said. " Hey Taylor." Trevor said. So it was quiet the whole way there. So I got out the car. I walked in the house. I ran up stairs. I shut the door. It was loud. I sat on my bed. I started to cry because I saw Sam with another girl. They were making out. I ran in the bathroom. I found a razor. I cut 3 new cuts on my legs and arms. " I hate my life!" I said while throwing stuff in my backpack. I ran down stairs. They were still making out. " FUCK YOU SAM POTTORFF I HATE YOU" I screamed. Everyone ran downstairs. I ran out the door. I got my penny board. I rode to Starbucks. " Can I have a Vanilla bean." I said. " Ok." The lady said. So I got my drink. I walked out the door. I saw Taylor and Sam get out of his car. I hurried up and dropped my penny board and got on it. " Emma wait!" Sam said. " Get away from me" I said. "Please wait. I know I screwed up" Sam said. I turned around. " Yeah you did screw up. Like for the 4th time." I said. " I'm sorry please forgive me." Sam said. " Leave me the fuck alone. if I come home tonight I'll tell you." I said while walking past him to see Taylor. I walked over to him. " I love you." I said kissing him on the cheek. " I love you too Baby Cakes. Be safe." Taylor said. " Ok I will bye." I said while walking to sam. I gave him a hug. " Last chance." I said. I got my penny board and rode away. After like 3 hours I called Jj. " Jj come and pick me up at Jc Penny." I said. " Ok see ya In a bit." Jj said. So she got here. She brought Angel. I got in the back. I didn't talk. So we got home. I ran inside. I sang life of the party. " Shut the hell up Emily." Kian said. I ran up the stairs. I threw my phone of the stairs. Kian ran up the stairs. " I'm so sorry Em!" Kian said. He ran to me. " It's ok I'm tired of people screaming at me and telling me what to do." I said. " Do you wanna come to the beach with us." Kian asked. " Yes." I said. I ran in Sam's room. I jumped on him. I kissed his neck. " Don't tease" sam said. I kissed his lips. " Get dressed we are going to the beach." I said. I ran out. I told everyone to get dressed. So I ran in my room. I got a bikini. Jj walked in. She saw new cuts. I ran out. Before I got threw the door Angel was there. " I'm sorry Jj." I said. " When is the last time you ate." She asked. " Like 5 days ago." I said. " ILL EAT TONIGHT PROMISE." I said. So we walked in the living room. " Let's go!" I said. We got there. " LAST ON IN IS A LOSER!" I said. So we ran. I dived in. I was the second one in. Sam was the first. " BRENT YOUR A LOSER!" I said. We all laughed. I walked out and sat in the sand. This guy kept looking at me. He walked over to me. He looked like he was in his late 20s. " Hey good looking. I'm Jason." The guy said. " Hi." I said. " So who are you here with." He asked. " Well my boyfriend and my friends." I said. Jason started to hit on me. I laughed. Sam walked over. Sam didn't look to happy. " Sam calm down" I said while getting up. I pulled him over to the side. " Baby calm down ok." I said. " Ok but what is he doing." Sam said. " Nothing he just walked over and asked a question the he started to hit on me that's all." I said. " Ok Baby Cakes" sam said. He walked over to the water and walked in. He walked over to Jc. I walked over to Jason. " Hey I'm gonna swim bye." I said. I ran over to the water. I walked In. The guy was still looking at me. I walked over to Sam and Jc. I sat in Sam's lap. " Hey Baby Cakes" Jc said. " Where the hell did you get Baby Cakes from." I said. " You and Taylor and Sam call me it." I said. " I don't know I just like calling you Baby Cakes." Jc said. " Ok." I said. I turned around. I was face to face to sam. I kissed him. We started to make out. He started to take off my top. " Sam no there's people around." I said. I clipped my top back on. I blushed. Everyone was looking at me. Someone looked at us and said. " WHORE YOU ARE A SLUT." The person said. He was standing by Jason. I got out. I got dressed and grabbed my penny board. I rode back. I slammed the door and started to cry. I heard a car pull up. Everyone got back. I was on the floor. I was laughing. Everyone came in and saw me. I couldn't breath. I was to busy laughing at my dumbass. Connor helped me up. " I am a dumbass." I said. So I ran up stairs. I got dressed. Sam walked in. I hugged him. He got a boner. I felt it against my thigh. He brought me to his room. He undressed me. I got horny. He started to kiss me. He got on top of me. He went in me. I moaned.

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