It was an accident

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It was just a normal day in the science lab. You and your partner, Saiki, was suppose to be making some sort of chemical potion. Saiki was reading the instructions while you were holding the beaker with some sort of acid in it.

You were pouring in the accid when all of a sudden the beaker broke and the acid poured over your glove and burnt through it. You felt the acid burning through your skin, you began to scream(not really scream) in agony. Saiki panicked, he used his powers to clean the acid off of you, only leaving the burn. Tears were rolling down your face while you held your hand, Saiki could only weaken the pain, the rest was for the hospital. 

~~ At the hospital ~~

You laid in the hospital bed, while Saiki sat next to you. The nurse had to do surgery on your hand, it was wrapped in bandages. "You need to be more careful.." Saiki said, he hugged you gently. "Sorry.." you hugged back with your good arm, when the hug broke apart, you smiled at Saiki. "Please don't do anything rash again." He smiled back at you.

Author's Note: Welp.. thats the end of another short story, hoped you enjoyed it <3 I just came up with the idea, it was a struggle for me to figure out what should happen. Anyways thanks for reading it! 



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