Negativity. PT 2

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Alrighty, part 1 was a bit lazy but now let's get into some negativity stuff. 

~5 in the morning~

You got up pretty early, due to the fact that a just dog started barking. You took a shower and done all those morning routines, you heard a knock on your door and groggily answered it, there was Saiki standing outside. 'Why the hell are you over here?' you said, beginning to close the door but Saiki stopped it, letting himself in. 'Rude much' you sighed, 'My mother said that we need to walk to school every morning now. So I'll be here 15 minutes after 5.' He said, he seemed pretty awake. 'Well, that ruins my morning. Why?' you asked, sitting on your couch. Saiki sat on the other end, you scooted over next to him. 'Because she knew your mother.' 

You were surprised, your mother died, in a fire accident. 'What's wrong?' he said, looking at you with a bit of concern. You shook your head, 'It's nothing.' you said, he clearly seen past your lie. You walked to the fridge, 'Are you hungry? I have coffee jelly, apples-' you were cut off, 'Coffee jelly.' he said, you smiled taking out the coffee jelly and placing it in front of him with a spoon. 'So you have a sweet tooth? I do too. We should totally go to a cafe together sometime!' you said, excitedly. He nodded, finishing his coffee jelly and standing up. 'Let's go.' 

~At school~ 

You arrived at school and sat at your desk, starting to get bored since you and Saiki got here pretty early. 'Hey Saiki, I'm going for a walk around the school.' you said, he nodded. You left the classroom and started your way around the school, when people started to come in you received a lot of negative thoughts.

'Who is she?' 

'She looks like she just woke up...' 

'She looks so weird, I'm glad I don't know her!' 

All these thoughts were bothering you, so you walked up to the roof and sat down on the bench. You covered your nose, once again you were having a nosebleed from all the stressing thoughts. You said your necklace was able to control your nosebleeds, but not stop them. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" someone said, you couldn't recognize the voice. You turned to face whoever was talking and there was a baby blue haired boy standing there, 'Oh, her nose is bleeding! I hope she is alright.' You smiled softly at him. "Yes, I'm alright." you said, reassuring him. "Your (Y/N), right? you left the classroom so suddenly I couldn't introduce myself. My name is Kaidou Shun, but call me Kaidou" he said, reaching out his hand for a shake. You took it, smiling softly at him. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Kaidou-kun. I hope we could be friends" You replied, his face went a little red, you giggled a little from it. "We should get back to class." with that said you and your new friend walked back to the class. 

~Class but still during lunch(i think I should start drama with teruhashi now hehe)~

You felt a hand on your should when you sat down, it was Teruhashi. "Could we speak quietly?" She asked, still having a smiled plastered on her face. You nodded and she dragged you out of the classroom and into the ladies room, For some reason, you couldn't read her mind. she was wearing a ring, 'No way, it can't be the ring that blocks mind reading!' without hesitation, Teruhashi pushed me against the wall with her holding my neck. You started to choke. "Stay away from MY precious Saiki!!" she yelled that pretty loud, punching you, again and again.

It was that time where she had let all her anger out and left me in the locked ladies room, you cried, hard. "(Y/N)..." you recognized that voice, you didn't want to hear it but at the same time, you did. "Go away" you said, sounding a little harsh. Saiki sighed, walking over to you and hugging you. You never sought the day where Saiki would hug you, although, you tried to push him away, he didn't budge. 'How'd you know where we were.' you asked, giving up on trying to push him away. 'Clairvoyance' he said, bluntly. You never thought you'd say anything like you were about to say to anyone, because of them getting hurt or it was you who got hurt. "Please, don't leave me alone. As everyone else did," you said, trying to stop the sobbing. He hugged you tighter, not showing any sign of letting go. 

"I won't" 

A/N: ANYWAYS, at least that had a little sweetness and spice to it. Hope you enjoyed it and ill start part 3!!


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