Chapter 1

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"Because I'm coming with you."

The words echoe through my head. It takes me a second to process what Peter said.

Then I start to panic. All I can think about was me kissing Loki just a few minutes ago. I was sure Peter and I would break up tonight and that was the only reason I kissed him. At least that's what I tell myself.

But now we aren't breaking up which means I cheated on him. I give Steve a panicked look. He knows what is going through my mind right now.

"Y/n?" Peters voice pulls me back to reality.

"You can't come with me." The words come out quieter than I intended.

Peters expression goes from happy to confused.

"What do you mean? Of course I can. Your dad agreed."

I look at my father and he seems like he realised that he made a mistake by allowing Peter to come with us.

"But... what about your life here? You can't just leave everything behind."

"Y/n, I've thought about this for some time now and I am 100% sure I want to do this." He takes my hand in his and gives it a squeeze.

"But what about..." I lower my voice remembering MJ was here "...your duties as Spiderman?"

Peter just grins.

"Y/n, do you really think I haven't thought about that yet? I am completely sure that I want to do this. And unless you tell me you don't want me to come with you there's nothing holding me back."

I don't have any more arguments. I can't tell him I cheated. I just can't. There aren't any options left.

"Okay. Then go get your stuff." I say defeated but I force myself to smile.

Peter gives me a peck on the lips and goes off to get his stuff.

I'm left alone in the middle of the room surrounded by everyone else. No one says a word and they're just staring at me. At least some of them must suspect my real thoughts about this.

I put on a fake smile and go to Steve who is still kind of drunk from the asgardian alcohol Thor gave him.

People start talking again which gives me the chance to speak with Steve.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me about this?" I whisper.

"Well for one it was a surprise. And two I didn't expect you to react like this at least not until I saw you and Loki eating each other's mouths."

"Shhhh!" I put my hand over his mouth and frantically look around but it seems like no one heard.

"Alright. But what am I supposed to do now? I can't tell him about the kiss!" My head starts aching and I feel a panic attack coming.

"You know I'm not a fan of lying-"

"Oh yeah that's funny coming from the guy that kept this stupid surprise a secret and lied to me for I don't know how long." I snap.

"Hey! That's something totally different. Surprises are supposed to make someone happy. And everyone thought this was a great idea so stop being mad at us. But I think you should tell Peter. And I suggest you do it now because otherwise you'll be trapped on that tiny ship for a year." Steve says.

"This is too much for me. I think I'm gonna throw up." My breathing gets heavy and the room starts spinning. I see someone looking at me worriedly but I can't make out who it is and the next thing I know someone escorts me out of the room and to the bathroom.

I drop to the floor and start crying. I don't care that whoever was in the room with me sees it I just have to let everything out.

The person embraces me in a comforting hug and pets my head until I calm down.

"Shh, it's gonna be alright just breathe." A soft voice says.

"Natasha?" I look up into her face and immediately know I can trust her. She probably figured everything out already anyway I mean she's not a spy for nothing.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asks although she must know what happened.

"I kissed Loki." I whisper and stare at the ground in shame. My eyes are empty and I just want to sleep.

Natasha doesn't say anything so I keep talking.

"I was so sure me and Peter were gonna break up tonight. But now I cheated on him and I didn't tell him and now I have to spend a year trapped in a spaceship with him but I can't tell him I just can't." I start crying again but Natasha wipes the tears away.

"Listen to me. It was just a kiss. And we both know it's not right to lie to Peter but if you can't tell him and lying seems easier to you then I won't judge you. You know I'd be the last person to judge someone for lying."

I smile a little.

"It's just... I would've told him but everyone was watching and I didn't want everyone to know so I lied. If it was just me and Peter then I could've told the truth but-"

"Hey, you don't have to justify yourself. I understand. Now let's fix your hair and makeup and go back to the others. Here's a tip. Pretend like your playing a character in a movie. Someone who didn't cheat, someone who didn't just have a breakdown, someone who's happy about her boyfriend joining her in space. Can you do that?"

I nod and get up. I look into the mirror. The person staring back at me has puffy eyes, smudged mascara and messed up hair.

Nat starts brushing my hair while I take a makeup wipe and clean up my face.

I put on the best fake smile possible and stare at myself in the mirror. This time the person looking back at me seems determined and strong.

"Let's do this."

Welcome back guys! I hope you'll enjoy the second part as much as the first one! Go vote at the end of book one if you want y/n to end up with Peter or Loki!

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