Chapter 7

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I groan while I pull the blade out of my stomach. Loki crouches down next to me, his hand resting on my shoulder. When the blade is removed I throw it aside and start the healing process. Finally the pain fades away and I'm able to let reality sink in.

"You're here." I whisper and give Loki a tight hug not wanting to let him go ever again. He wraps his arms around me and rests his chin on my head.

"Told you I would come looking for you, didn't I?" Loki pulls away and smirks at me.

"To be honest I'm a little offended. I already planned on heroically breaking you out of that cell. So thanks for ruining that." I cross my arms and jokingly glare at him.

He chuckles but his smile quickly fades away when he notices a dozen guards walking towards us.

"What now?" I ask.

"I didn't plan that far. Improvise."

The guards point their guns at us while shouting incomprehensible things. I glance at Loki trying to figure out what our next move is but surprisingly he raises his hands and surrenders. Although I think that's a stupid plan I follow his actions without question.

We get put in chains and taken to a room where the grandmaster already awaits us. Scrapper 142 and another woman stand next to him.

"I seriously don't think these chains are necessary. We surrendered." Loki says.

"It was my idea. Thought you might like some flashbacks, Lackey." Scrapper 142 says and Loki rolls his eyes.

"I want an explanation. And it better be good. I like a good story." The grandmaster demands.

"Grandmaster. Old friend. It's been a while." Loki says earning a confused look from me.

"I can explain. Y/n is a friend of mine. I couldn't just watch her getting killed. Surely you understand." His voice is calm.

"I gotta say, you broke my heart. Tricking me. All those years ago. And-" The grandmaster starts but Loki interrupts him.

"I am sorry. Asgard was in danger. I had no choice."

The other woman who just stood quietly next to him all the time immediately hands him some kind of weird looking stick.

"What? No! He was just interrupting me put the melting stick away." The woman seems kind of disappointed but obeys.

"I forgive you. And since you and I were very good friends..." The grandmaster pauses and looks at Loki seductively making Loki's cheeks turn only the slightest bit red. I'm looking from him to the grandmaster and back to him, being more and more disturbed from second to second.

"Great. So how do we get off this planet? Will you give us a ship?" I ask impatiently but everyone just laughs.

"Oh, you're not getting off this planet. No one does." The grandmaster explains.

"But Loki did it once, right? I didn't know he was talking about this planet but I remember him telling me the story." I insist and turn my head to look at Loki but he doesn't seem very optimistic about another escape.

"Only because he tricked me. That's not going to happen again. Unless..." He bats his eyelashes at Loki.

"Can you show us where we'll be staying?" Loki changes the topic.

One of the guards leads us to what seems to be a quite big apartment. The walls are covered in a green and white pattern which actually looks really nice. The guard leaves, leaving me and Loki alone.

He sits down by the window while I start examining the apartment. Out of the corner of my eye I notice that Loki is watching me.

"You know you're kind of creepy." I tell him with a smirk.

"I mean I know I'm terribly good looking." I add and my smile grows bigger thinking of the first night I snuck out to spend time with Loki.

"Oh shut up." Loki replies playfully and I walk over to him sitting down beside him.

"So tell me. Why are you here? How did you find me?" I've been wanting to ask him this since the second I saw him in the arena.

"I told you I would come looking for you. And I meant it. The second you left my cell for the last time I began to plan my escape. It was simpler than one might think. They're all pretty oblivious and dumb and very easy to trick." This makes me chuckle.

"But how did you get here so fast? You couldn't have known that I landed here that quickly since barely any time has past out there."

"I found you the day you were on Knowhere."

"What?" I stare at him in disbelief. That was about six weeks ago in the 'real' world.

"I saw you. And believe me, it took me a lot of self control not to talk to you..." His eyes are filled with pain.

"I- I don't understand. Why didn't you?" I shake my head still unable to understand.

"Trust me, I wanted nothing more than to talk to you, to hug you, to..." He trails off.

"But when I saw how happy you were. With him. Peter. I just couldn't take that away from you." Loki stares at the ground not able to look into my eyes.

My hand find its way to his and our fingers intertwine. Now I'm the one who's not able to look into his eyes.

"I wasn't... I wasn't that happy..." I mumble. "Not without you..."

Loki narrows his eyebrows in confusion and I bite my lip nervously.

"What do you mean? I thought you two were in love?"

Expressing my emotions is hard. I just can't seem to put them into words and do them justice.

"I mean... we are- or were in love. I don't really know. I've always been kind of confused about how I feel about him and- and you. I'm still not sure about my feelings. It's just so confusing... you confuse me."

Loki seems perplexed. He's just looking at me not sure of what to say. I can't blame him.

"The worst part is... I meant to break up with Peter the night I left earth. I was so sure that our relationship would end that night. But then Peter told me he'd come with me and since then things have been weird between us. He doesn't even know about what- what happened between us that night and I don't know if I would've done what I did if I knew he was coming with me..."

Finally telling someone about this was honestly relieving. I couldn't talk to anyone about this until now and it feels as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

"I'm not very good at giving advice. But... just listen to your heart. For once think about what you want and not about what anyone else might think of it." Loki says and brushes a tear off my face I didn't even know was there.

My eyes find his and I lose myself in them. I notice how pretty his eyes are. Depending on the light they sometimes look more green and sometimes more blue. Like a small lake that's hidden in a forest. Calm and mysterious. With a hint of danger. But at the same time trustworthy and comforting.

I finally snap back to reality and clear my throat.

"Thanks, Loki. I think we should get some sleep now. Today was pretty exhausting. I mean I am so tired I think I could sleep for a week straight." I chuckle and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready for bed.

When I finally lie down on the giant bed it's Loki's turn in the bathroom. We have to share a bed but it's not like we haven't done that plenty of times before. But today feels different.

I face the wall instead of facing Loki's side of the bed like I usually did. The bed shifts slightly when Loki gets in and that's the last thing I feel before drifting off into an uneasy sleep.

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