Chapter 6... I think

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:) Hi guys. I'm kinda on a writers block these days, so I'm writing the chapters on my phone whenever I can and I'm gonna upload it whenever I find Internet. Cause I'm in Turkey for the summer and I keep on switching from my dads moms house to my moms moms house? Does that make sense?? Idk. Anyway that's why I don't have Internet all the time. Love ya guys.

Harry's P.O.V

We decided to go to Sea World with Celine the next day. It was a Sunday and I was starting work tomorrow. It was a four hour ride to go all the way to San Antonio, since that's where Sea Word was. Celine was driving us there, since she had turned sixteen two months ago (I wasn't there for her sweet sixteen:( ). I was wearing short shorts and a shirt over my bikini top and flip flops, and Celine was wearing the same, except without the shirt (it still feels weird saying this) . After the long drive, we got out of the car, and headed for the gates.

"Omg, this is gonna be awesome! I haven't been to Sea World in ages!" Celine jumped up and down like a five-year-old. I swear she could be Louis in disguise.

"I never went to Sea World." I muttered to myself. She looked at me like she heard that.


"Nothing." Celine simply shrugged. When we reached the gates, we showed our tickets and went inside. I got a map for the both of us and observed it.

"What do you wanna do first?" I asked her.

"I wanna go on the roller coaster!!" I just looked at her in shock.

"No, I can't do that, how about we-"

"Oh, come on, you love roller coasters!!" I just gave her a worried smile.

"Uhh... No. No. Let's do something else."

"No!!! WE'RE GOING ON THE ROLLER COAASTTEEERRR!!!" She screamed like a spoiled kid. She grabbed my hands and led me my nightmare.


"Shut your pie hole! Your coming with me!" She yelled. The people around us looked at us like we were crazy. I was used to that by now. When we came to the ride, I looked at it. I wanted to run. Too late.

We stepped in the line, which was unfortunately made up of only four or five people. We stepped in the carts, and just before the ride starts, I look at Celine with our horror in my face. She looks back at me mischievously.

"I dare you to say 'I love One Direction' on the loops." She tells me. After a few seconds I reply,

"Only if you say Harry Styles in the fucking most sexiest guy in the world." I give a evil grin. She looks at me weirdly and says,


The ride starts, and I start trembling all over. To make matters worse, Celine chose the front seats of the carts. We go up... And then drop down into the loop-da-loop.

"AHHHH!!! I LOVE OONNNNEEEE DDIIIIREEECCCTTIIOOONNN!!!" I scream my ass off. after me Celine goes,


I think my heart just stops. I scream as we go into another loop. Celine does the dare again, but with the other guys' names in the sentences. I do the same. The ride slows down, and I start to breath again. Celine gets out of the cart, and I do the same with a weird feeling in my stomach. Celine looks at me and gives me a hug.

"Do you need to go puke?" She asks. I shake my head no, but I run to the bathroom.

After a few minutes of puking my guts out, Celine goes to get us some snow cones. We eat the cones As we walk through the streets when I see something I love.

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