Help me remember.

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Camila seen her. Not just today, not just yesterday,  Camila has seen her every day for the past three weeks. Camila walked over to the table where the green eyes girl sat, stairing at Camila with a look of possession. It's been like this every day for the past three weeks. The beauty would order the same thing EVERYDAY, a shot of the most expensive whiskey and the most expensive stake the 5 star restaurant would carry.

"Good evening miss Cabello." She spoke sternly looking straight into Camila's eyes. The small brown eyed girl quickly reverted her eyes to the floor and cleared her throat.

"Good evening." She mumbled quietly. Completely intimidated by the girl standing in front of her.

"Will you be having your usual tonight?" Camila asked softly and she shook her head no as she looked Camila's body up and down.

"No, just a shot double shot of whiskey on the rocks please. I will be here a while so please make it quick." Lauren said and Camila nodded her head and quickly turned towards the bar never looking behind her as she felt the older girl looking at her the whole time.

"Dinah, I need a shot of whiskey on the rocks." Camila squeaked out. The Tall Polynesian turned from her customer and looked at the embarrassed girl.

"What's wrong with you, rich girl got you nervous?" She asked and Camila turned her head and seen Lauren looking at her.

"Yeah." She mumbled and Dinah chuckled before handing her the drunk. As the night went on Camila. Could still feel eyes looking at here every time she stepped out on the floor to check her tables. A few minutes before close Camila walked over to the green eyed girl who was still intently watching her.

"Can I get you anything else tonight?" She asked and Lauren shook her head no.

" That will be all, miss Cabello." She said and Camila sighed.

"Its not right that you know my name and I don't know yours, you have came in every day for three weeks, requested my section and watched me. What's wrong with you?" Camila said harshly. The older girl looked around the room and seen that it was empty. She quickly stood up and pinned Camila against the wall.

"You better watch that pretty little mouth of yours, don't believe for a second I wouldn't punish you." She said and Camila scuffed.

"You don't even know me."Camila mumbled and the other girl sighed.

"I'm Lauren, Lauren Jauregui. I suggest you don't say anything else to make me mad." Lauren said and Camila tried to push her away.

"Where is this confidence coming from. Where did your submissiveness go?" Lauren asked as she ran the back of her finger over Camila's cheek and used her thumb to brush over her lip.

"Please leave miss Jauregui." Camila asked and Lauren nodded but looked down at Camila one last time.

"Your tip is on the table." She said and she stepped back and walked away.

Camila took a deep breath and collected her self as she rested on the wall. She tried to figure out what had just happened, and where she came up with the strength to say thoes things to Lauren. She walked over to the table and collected the dishes but stopped when she seen seven hundred dollars laying on the table. She looked up out the window and seen Lauren standing there with a smile on her face. Camila felt a cold chill run down her spine as she looked at the girl in front of her. She cleared her throat and left the money in the table and cleaned off the dishes. When she returned Lauren was gone but the money was still there.

"You need a ride home tonight Mila?" Dinah asked and she shook her head no and looked at her watch.

"No I have to stop a few places first, I'll see you tomorrow. " camila said as she walked out the door and started her long walk home. A few blocks away from the restaurant she seen a black sports car pull over at the end of the block. She stopped walking and turned around to walk a different direction. She heard foot steps running behind her she she tried to run faster but she was caught. Before she could scream a hand was clamped over her mouth.

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