Chapter One -- 99 Problems

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Chapter One -- 99 Problems

Erik's POV

"Ten Jesus Pieces" by Rick Ross blasted through the speakers around the popular club that was guaranteed to be filled every Friday night. I stood posted on the wall like a poster, marking my ground. My black hoodie almost made me invisible in the barely lit club as I bobbed my head up and down to Rick Ross' words:

"Went from Benihana to Bimini in Bahamas. Ten chains, no luggage, I'm a big timer. Niggas claim that they thugging when they dick-riding. My niggas rather walk, do they own brick climbing."

I kept my hands in my jeans pocket, keeping my eye on one particular person. My hands touched the steel of the pistol in my pocket. After one shot, nothing in here won't be the same.

He go by the name of Spikes. The only nigga around here that wear spiked bracelets, chains, belts-- whatever you name, he got it spiked.

Spikes a cool dude. He stays to himself, you know, he keeps his mouth shut until he's being acknowledged.

He's a good runner. A loyal runner-- or so everyone thought. Come to find out, good ole Spikes ain't nothin' but a junky. Nigga been getting high off of supply for weeks now.

I placed my hand on the barrel of the heat. It seemed to be burning a hole in my jeans from how hot it was. I got a itchy trigger finger that just won't quit.

I kept my head bobbing while keeping my eye aimed and my hand still.

"Hey, baby. Why you over here alone?" a seductive voice said in my ear loudly over the music.

The smell of some kind of cheap perfume filled my nose as two big titties pressed against my right arm.

I kept my eye on the target and side stepped away from the thirsty broad. I didn't even glance at her.

Spikes kept in his same spot, unaware of somebody watching him while a thick, light skinned woman sat on his lap. She's been whispering in his ear ever since she sat down with him and Spikes couldn't keep the big ass smile off of his face.

"What's up? What? You don't like what you see?" The voice wasn't seductive anymore, but more offended, rude, and loud.

I kept my head bobbing, eyes straight, and hand ready.

When the girl realised I wasn't responding to her talking to me, she came over and stood directly in front of me, blocking my view of Spikes. Either this girl is confident or just got some big ass balls.

I let out a hard, aggravated, exhale to keep my anger at a minimum before looking at her. Her face was heart shaped, honey colored, and frowned into a mean expression. Her dark brown eyes and full, pouty lips made me drop my harsh words I was about to throw at her. She's beautiful.

"What's your name?" I asked her over the bass of the music.

Her frown turned completely upside down before she flipped her long, dark hair over her small shoulders.

"Karly," she told me with a wide smile.

I nodded before licking my lips. 

"That's a simple name for a beautiful girl. Do me a favor though?"

Karly smiled sweetly and stepped closer to me. Over her shoulder, I seen Spikes sitting at the same table across the room. The light skinned girl was gone and he now was sitting alone nodding his head to the music.

"Anything," she whispered, her lips so close I felt the heat of her breath inside my ear.

I reached on a table that was a few inches away from us and handed her a round glass filled with straight Hennessy and a lil something I dropped in there on my own.

She looked at it for a minute, obviously confused, before beginning to put it up to her lips.

I put my hands on top of the rim of the glass, stopping her. "Nah, ma," I said coolly.

She looked at me with more confusion written all over her face but kept the drink in her hand.

I nodded my head at Spikes across the club. Close to one hundred and fifty people was on the floor dancing so I know he didn't see me.

But I saw him.

Karly looked behind her shoulder to see who I was referring to. I know she didn't have a clue so when she turned around, I didn't give her a chance to ask questions.

"You see dude at the table by himself?"

She turned back around and stretched her neck to see around the moving bodies. "The one with the spiked collar?" she asked.

"Yeah, him," I confirmed. "I need you to do one simple thing for me, beautiful."

Karly turned back to face me while biting her bottom lip. "Anything, baby," she told me, turning back on her sexy voice.

"I need you to take that drink over there like a bartender. Don't answer any questions. Don't ask any questions. You think you can do that for me, ma?"

Karly's face smirked. "I got you."

I leaned back on the wall and watched her hour glass shaped body make its way through the dry humping crowd. I let my piece go in my jeans since I won't be needing it here.

Gotta have a Plan B at all times.

I don't know where the hell Karly got a tray from, but when she made it to Spikes' table that's what she had in her right hand.  

She unraised the round, black tray from the humid air above her head before setting the glass on the table in front of Spikes.

I saw her mouth moving, and I could tell it was only a few words being spoken. Spikes cheesed at Karly before picking up the glass and taking it to the head. Karly flashed him a quick smile before walking back into the crowd.

Before she could make it over to me I saw the effects of the Xanax already begin to take a toll on him.

"What did you say to him?" I asked her once she was back in front of me.

She shrugged her shoulders. "That it was on the house."

I nodded, approving her response.

Spikes started to struggle to get up from the table. I had a feeling he was getting up to leave.

I stood up straight from the wall and focused my eyes back on Karly. I reached in my pocket, pulled out a fifty dollar bill, and handed it to her. "Thanks, beautiful," I told her.

Karly looked at the bill like it wasn't a zero on the end of that five. She looked like I insulted her. "You used me! I thought--"

"You thought what? I was gon' wife you for doing that? Or maybe you thought I was gon' take you to my place and fuck you for that?"

She didn't say a word as she twisted her mouth to the side. I put my palm under her chin before rubbing her cheek two times with my thumb.

"I'm not that type of nigga, ma," I told her before walking off a few distances behind Spikes.

I got 99 problems. A female ain't never one.



This is my first time writing from a man's perspective. (Well, first time writing a whole book on a man's POV.) So, please don't fault me if something sound or seem like something a man wouldn't do or say. (I don't have any brothers and all of my male friends are weird, so I have no idea lol) But, I doubt if it will. I'M JUST PUTTING THAT OUT THERE!

So, please tell me what you think of this chapter, the cover, the title. ALL THAT.





youENJOY. :-)

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