Chapter 3: Who's Him

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(This chapter might get confusing but just read the A/N at the the end)


I was with Mey-Rin because she accidentally dropped the plates.
As I was picking up the broken pieces of glass I cut myself.
I yelped in pain.
(You'll find out later why she felt pain when she got cut)
I looked at my hand and saw red blood.
Mey-Rin saw and started to freak out.
I sighed and looked at her.
"Hey Mey-Rin can you finish picking this up. I'm just going to clean this up and then put an bandage on it" I said.
Mey-Rin nodded quickly as she then bent down and started to carefully pick up the rest of broken glass.
I then got up and walked to the kitchen.
When I got there I walked over to the tap and put my hand under it and then turned it on.
I hissed in pain as the water went on my open wound.
After that I went looking for some bandages.
As I was looking, Sebastian came in.
I quickly hid my hand behind my back and awkwardly smiled.
"H-hey Sebastian. W-what are y-you doing?" I stuttered/asked.
Sebastian stared at me confused.
"I was just going to make the young masters lunch. Now what are hiding behind your back?" Sebastian asked.
I bit my lip as I looked down.
"N-nothing" I said.
Sebastian walked over to me and grabbed my hand and looked at it.
My hand had more blood coming out of it wound.
He looked at me with wide eyes.
"why haven't it healed?. You're a demon" Sebastian growled.
I tried to get out of his grip but It was to strong.
"I'm not telling you" I mumbled.
Sebastian looked at me angry.
"Why" Sebastian said angrily.
"Because you'll take me back to him!" I yelled.
Sebastian was so confused.
"Who's him. You can tell me Y/N" Sebastian said.
I looked at him and sighed.
"Come. Let's not talk here" I said.
I the grabbed Sebastian's arm with my hand that wasn't hurt and  took Sebastian to my room.
I then shut the door.
I let go of Sebastian's arm and walked over to my bed and sat down.
"You'll take me back to my father.
My father is Lucifer and he's a demon.
My mother is a human.
So when they had me I was half demon" I said.
Sebastian looked at me.
He looked so shocked.
"Y-you're the missing daughter.
You've been missing for hundred years" Sebastian said.
I nodded.
"Yes but please don't tell anyone" I begged.
Sebastian thought for second and then nodded.
"Ok but I will have to tell the young master" Sebastian said.
I smiled and nodded.
"Thank you Sebastian" I said while hugging him.
Just then I yelped in pain.
I stoped hugging Sebastian and looked at my bleeding hand.
"Owwww" I yelped.
Sebastian looked at me and shook his head.
"Come on let get that clean and bandage" Sebastian said.
I nodded and walked with Sebastian back to the kitchen.
I'm happy I told him.

(Ok I feel like there are going to be a lot of questions so I'm going to tell you some important stuff.
Y/N is half demon.
Her mother was human and her father was the ruler of hell Lucifer.
Because she's half demon she can get hurt like humans and can die like humans but will live forever if not killed.
she didn't want Sebastian to know that she was half demon was because that demons with forbidden to fall in love with a human.
But only Lucifer could break that rule.
So if any demon found out that she was half demon they would take her back to her fathers.
She has demon ability and she is a cat demon.
That's all I can say. You'll find out more later in the chapters.

The New Demon In Town (Black Butler)(SebastianXDemonReader) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now