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swimming techniques. )

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Never in a million years did Carmen Bradshaw think she'd be hanging out with the Anakin Skywalker, but here she was, sitting on a boat with him as they waited for their arrival to wherever Padmé had instructed the man to take them. She sat in front of him and tried her hardness not to glance in his direction, afraid they'd accidentally lock eyes. What she didn't know, was that his eyes were on her the whole time as she smiled at all of the things that surrounded the area.

Carmen loved how clear the water was underneath their boat. She'd never seen anything like it before and the amazement didn't leave her face. Especially when she saw a couple of fish flying out, practically saying hello to everyone that passed.

Anakin had never seen anything like it either. Growing up on a planet full of sand, you don't get to see much of anything. He loved the smile that bloomed on the girl's face, it made his heart swell.

The two finally make it to the place Padmé had sent them and Anakin grabs the blonde's hand, helping her out of the boat. She smiles in thanks and they start trekking up the long steps.

"I'm not really sure where Padmé took us. I heard it's very beautiful though." Carmen could slightly recognize the place from the movie.

Anakin could sense her excitement and he grinned, "Not as beautiful as you, I'm sure."

Carmen was confused on where all of this flirting was coming from when she knew he liked the Senator. What the hell she is supposed to say to that? "Uhm, thank you?"

Thankfully, they make it to their destination, so Anakin dropped the subject. He'd definitely come back to it later though.

"Wow, she wasn't lying." Carmen whispered to the boy beside her as they make it to the edge where the beautiful view was on display for them. It was the exact same as the movie, but better.

With the baby blue sky and the birds singing, she didn't want to ever leave this place. The waterfalls practically begging for them to swim in it. She didn't know if Anakin knew how to swim, but she was going to help him if he needed it.

"I have an idea!" Carmen exclaimed as she grabbed his hand, leading him down the steps to the edge of the water. "Do you know how to swim? I haven't been in a while."

Anakin shook his head, but she couldn't see due to her practically dragging him along. "No, I don't."

Of course he didn't. And if there was a time where the Star Wars franchise had said he could, obviously lied. It never showed us. That could've been a wholesome moment. It's a good thing she's here. Maybe actually growing a closer bond with him and teaching him things will get him to stay on the good side since Padmé had failed.

ORENDA, anakin skywalker (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now