The Beganing Chapter 1

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Claires POV

I Just don't understand this world. Let me rephrase that; I don't understand why the world cant revolve around me. I mean god granted me some really nice things but It doesn't fix everything. I live In a beautiful house, actually it is more like a castle. 10 rooms 7.5 baths, you can't miss it. I'm confident with my silky straight auburn hair, hint of freckles only on my face, and my blue eyes rounded in green layered with gold specks. The only thing I can't stand is the crooked nose placed in the center of my face. If you looked at me dead on my nose would look cute and average. The side view is what I have a problem with. It's got a small crook placed right below my eye.

As I stared in the full length mirror my dad forced abercrombie to sell to us I put my small manicured nail on the crook in my nose. My finger made my nose look actually kinda normal as I studied it hopefully. I looked at the clock and realized I had better things to do than sulk about my nose. I only had 10 minutes before I had to go to school. Despite having all the money in the world I still couldn't be tardy. Money sure can't buy everything but It sure could buy some really cute clothes I thought as I stared at my outfit. It was supposed to be chilly today so I had on a olive green long sleeve v neck below a snow white fur hooded vest. On my bottom half was a pair of dark washed jeggings. Everything was stamped with a moose to certify it was from Abercrombie. Covering part of the skin tight denim was a pair of grey uggs. You ask if I have so much money, why do I wear abercrombie? Well it is simple, everyone at my school wears cheap little preppy brands like hollister and abercrombie to show that were so rich we don't care. The clothes do have a great effect though because everyone looks like snobby little rich kids which is 100 percent true.

I walked out of my posh room and almost made it to the kitchen without seeing my twin. Nope not a twin sister a brother. One who looks nothing like me with his curly brown hair and husky blue eyes. I couldn't possible tell you if he was hot but some of my friends have told me they have crushed on him. "Claire what is that on your face?" he snickered. He was referring to the barely visible pimple that I had covered in clinique concealer. "Jer what's all over your face," I mimicked. Jerad only had a few pimples that blended in with his freckles but it really got to him. He glared at me as he walked into the elevator and shut the door with the push of a button. I glided into the marvelous kitchen that reaked of bacon. Ugh i told Jeff the chef that I was going vegetarian but of course he forgot. I will just go vegatarian next week I thought as I grabbed some bacon and headed to the limo.

The air was frosty as I jumped into the white limo. Sitting by the minny fridge was Jared. Than there was someone I hated seeing. Sitting cosily in the black leather seat was Bently. His bold gray eyes focosed on me and i knew his plump lips would turn into a smile when his button nose twitched. He had brown hair so dark you could call it black. It swayed to the right in an emo style way. But he was anything but emo in his full our hollister attire. I really bet he would be a cool guy but Jared and I had a united front against him since his Movie Star mom married our father. I could never give him a chance considering he came from the womb of the worst step mom ever Emily Taylor. Sure she made me famous and rich but she also stole my dad from me and was planning on a new family without Jared or me in the picture. A tired voice belonging to Bently spoke,"Mourning Claire." I rolled my eyes. Would he ever stop attempting to gain my friendship. Didn't he understand anything? After I scarfed down the bacon,I headed to the back of the limo and brushed my teeth with the tiny sink. I just got comftorable again when I felt the car roll to a stop. Great my day was beganing.

I jumped up when the door was opened by my chofer. Bently beat me," Ladies first." I grunted and cut in front of him Jerad followed after me and than Bently smoothly plopped out. We were running late so I sped walked to my locker. Instead of locks at our school we have finger scanners so i placed my perfectly groomed finger into the sticky pad. With a small beep the locker opened itself. I grabbed a peice of gum, reaplyed my lip gloss and headed to my first class. I squeezed in the plastic seat and watched the crazy art teacher. "A heart Does not signify love it is HATE! I know this because in first grade I had to make a valentine for my worst enemy and I gave her a heart which was full of hate. NO DRAWING HEARTS!," the weird art teacher Mrs. Seer shouted. When the teacher burst out in laughter everyone rolled there eyes and looked away as If she was emberasing them. The whole class period we drew everything except for a dreaded heart. I spaced out the whole time because I was way too tired. I automatically levitated and headed back to my locker. One class down 1 more to go. It was a half day, because of a teacher meeting and I was very happy. I forced myself to walk into geometry. I was the only freshman and the upperclassman were even more snobby than the freshman so I was all alone. My eyes were so heavy I almost fell asleep. At least I had somthing to focus on instead of being bored. No falling asleep I repeated until the bell signified our early release. I sprinted out of there, threw everything in my locker and headed to the limo. Jerad had an assignment to turn in late so I would have to wait with Bently. I ran out of power to hold my eyes open as soon as i settled into the limo seat and fell into a deep sleep. I was shaking and kicking the nightmare felt so real. I wanted to wake up but I couldn't. When a soft hand started softly weaving through my hair I drifted out of the terror only to discover it was Bently and his hand. I backed away from him and shouted in croaky voice, "What are you doing!" "You were having a nightmare I couldn't just watch and I rather not smack you," he said smoothly. "Well next time don't Wake me just forget about me like your mom is making my dad do." I said coldly. Than I drifted off to sleep once again.

Bentleys POV

She looked so innocent while she sleeped. So unlike how she treated me. Why couldn't she understand that the whole my mom stealing her dad to start a new family affected me? In a way her dad stole my mom, but I would never admit that. Now it should be Jared Claire and me a united front against our awful parents, but it was just them against me. I glanced back at Claire she had a cute smile on her glossed lips I wondered what she was dreaming about. Than the door opened to the limo and in walked Jared. He glared at me, knocked to tell the driver to leave and settled In fixated on his iPod. When the car stopped Jared Jumped out the door ignoring his sleeping sister. She looked so peaceful I couldn't stand it. I hated how I had to hide my feelings for her. The only reason I could hold it in was because she was mad at me because of my mom. But I couldn't fix my moms mistakes I would have to let Claire know. I walked silently over to her small body and slipped my hands under her fluffy vest as I carried her to her room. She was warm and soft. Her scent was of warm vanilla and just picked rasberries. I Carefully put her onto the king sized bed and turned towards the door. But I couldn't help it I had to touch her lips. I softly stepped towards her and my lips found hers. I could have sworn she kissed back but I was afraid she would wake up so I sprinted out of the room with my heart beating like a hummingbirds wings.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2010 ⏰

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