Chapter 33:

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Just got home from my friend 16th birthday. we got a bit dizzy on the fizzy...

heres a late update x


I got home last night about 10.50pm so I went to check on Gracie. She was fast asleep with her laptop about to fall off her bed. I closed the lid and put it on her desk. I gave her a light kiss and tucked her in then headed off to bed.

When I woke up I went into Gracie room. She was on her phone.

She didn't realise I was there so I tweeted her.

'Get off ya phone @GracieCaylen.'

She looked up seconds after I tweeted it.

"Morning Dad." She locked her phone and put it down next to her.

"Good Morning." I sat on the edge of her bed and laid back. "How was your sleep?"

"Good. I'm tired but, how was the meeting?" She yawned.

There was no meeting but I lied. "It was good, boring."

She laughed a bit.

I sat up. "I will be right back." I stood up and went to my room.

I brang back a black suit case and I put it on the end of Gracies bed. "Get packing." I smiled.

She looked confused. "Where are we going?"

"You will see." I smirked then went to go pack my self. "Be ready by 11 o'clock." I yelled from my room.



I got up and started packing. I had no clue what to pack because I didn't know where we were going or how long for, so I just shoved heaps of stuff into my suitcase.

I picked out a pair of sunflower shorts with a white baggy shirt tucked in along with my new pink Dr Martins to wear for the day. I pulled my light cargo jacket out of the cupboard and put it on my bed. I grabbed a hand bag and began to put stuff in it. I put the book 'If I Stay' in my bag, which I was currently reading, I shoved some headphones and a few other things in the bag.

I did my hair in two space buns, washed my face and brushed my teeth. I checked the time. It was quarter to eleven so I put a few last things in my suit case and zipped it up.

I was about to carry my stuff downstairs when I forgot my glucometer. I scrambled around to find it, then I remembered I put it on my bedside table last night and it fell off.

When I found it I quickly put it in my hand bag, grabbed my phone and I carried my stuff downstairs.

I went back upstairs to give Cash some fresh food and water then I went back downstairs. About 5 minutes late Jc came down carrying a travel cage and his suitcase.

"Wishbone." he whisteled and Wishbone came running down the stairs.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Ready." I smiled. "Where are we going?"

"It's a suprise." He smiled and we carried our bags out the front. We put all our bags in Rickys boot. Ricky and Trevor were driving us. Jc sat on the front seat with Wishbone on his lap and I sat in the back seat with Trevor.

Trevor and I were holding hands for the car ride. We listened to Troye Sivans new ep. When Ricky parked I realised that we were at the airport.

Ricky and Trevor helped carry our bags whist Jc carried the travel cage and I was holding wishbone.

We got inside the airport and Wishbone had to be put inside the cage. We checked him in to the animal check in place and then we checked in aswell as our bags.

Ricky and Trevor came to the gate with us. Whist we were waiting for our flight to who knows where Jc and Ricky went to get food.

"I'm gonna miss you." Trevor grabbed my hand.

"Same. How long am I going for?" I asked hopping he would at least tell me.

"I'm not supposed to tell you." He squeezed my hand.

I looked at him with puppy dog eyes and I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

He gave in. "A week." And laughed a smalled bit.

I laughed and we talked for a bit until Jc and Ricky came back. They bought KFC and Krispy Kream doughnuts.

I got a text from Tia asking if she could call. I told her I would call her later.



I was going to miss Gracie. Even though she was only going for a week.

Everyove was going away this week. Kian, Andrea, Connor and Jazz were going to visit their families. Ricky was going to NYC with Shelby. Carly and Brooke were staying at the O2L house with Sam, Ashley and I. Then Jenn and Lia are going away for a meet and greet in Canada.

Whilst we were waiting a lot of girls came over to us, some were screaming and some were staying calm. We just took a few photos and talked with them for a while.

We sat in the gate for about two hours until an announcement went over the speaker.


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