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When the last petal of the rose fell, the curse turned into a permanent one and the Beast died, but brought back alive by the enchantress who cursed him

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When the last petal of the rose fell, the curse turned into a permanent one and the Beast died, but brought back alive by the enchantress who cursed him. Before it happened, he felt disappointed and ashamed of himself as the wildness and anger takes over him. When Belle's tears fell on him, he came back alive. Unfortunately, that's an imagination. Keep wishing for such love story to happen, it will still be an imagination. But I, as an author, want to show you something that you preferred the cruel reality over it, instead of showing you a bunch of nonsense and unreal shits. Even if you rather the cruel reality over my imagination, this story could happen in reality. Therefore, if you prefer the reality, you're also choosing my imagination.

T H I R D  P E R S O N

After a month ranting to each other a little bit about their lives, the trust is built inside the two of them. Jaemin felt safe with her beside him, so does Hwa Young. She feels this unfamiliar feeling to Jaemin. She feels the safety and love he's giving to her. This feeling shows Hwa Young that Jaemin is someone special. Sometimes, she feels like she just wants to hold him close and tell him it's okay. Hwa Young knows Jaemin needs someone who makes him feel safe just like how Jaemin makes her feel. She hasn't realize that she wanted that person to be her. She hasn't realize she's falling in love.

Jaemin already found that person and it's her.

Hwa Young feels ready to get off the chain on her chest. She's ready to tell him what that is to her.

She sits on the chair beside Jaemin's chair. This is the first time Hwa Young being earlier than Jaemin. She feels anxious when Jaemin isn't there, since he's the only person she can trust and the only motivation for her to go to school.

He appears at the door, walking towards his chair. He notices Hwa Young's cold and anxious face when she didn't notice him. He sits beside her, she startles.

"You're late," Hwa Young says, pretending to be upset with the tone.

Jaemin takes out a paper from his backpack and write.

Sorry, I was forced to speak up by the new teacher, even though I wrote on the paper that I'm mute.

"You know, just a question, if they ask if you can do the hand signals, what are you gonna do?" She asks.

I don't know to be honest. But I can come up with a lie pretty fast, that's one of the reasons why I'm a good liar.


Jaemin tilts his head to Hwa Young and stares at her eyes. He starts to drown in those two brown pools she has. But so does Hwa Young, she is consumed by the the beauty of his eyes.

"Kids, open page 84," the teacher yells, snapping them out.

Hwa Young and Jaemin take out their books and do what the teacher says.

The teacher explains the method of writing a story. Hwa Young and Jaemin aren't focusing on him, they both think about the eye contact instead.

Oh my god, am I falling in love with him? Hwa Young thinks.

Weird. No one has ever made me feel this way by an eye contact. Jaemin thinks.

"I want you all to make a story about yourself, like anything that happened in the past. You can take a look of the method in page 84. Do your jobs," the teacher says. The teacher goes back to his own chair.

"Now that the teacher wants us to write a story. I think I'm going to tell you first and write it right after I tell you," Hwa Young whispers to Jaemin.

Jaemin looks at her and writes on the paper.


"I'm trusting you completely not to tell anyone about this," Hwa Young says nervously, scared that Jaemin is just another backstabber like the ones from her previous school.

Hwa Young, in whatever form of pain you go through, I've gone through it before. Are you going to talk about the pain that you said you want to talk about in our first day?

"Yes," she sighs.

Now is the time for Hwa Young to tell Jaemin what that is to her.

"January 27th 2018. The worst day of my life. I went to a party my friend invited me and as expected drunk people, rebels, horny people, were there. I was a fun person, I can be rebels sometimes, but I care about my safety so I wasn't like those rebels who just say yes to drugs just because they want to experience the fun. But then I see my ex boyfriend, who at that time was still my boyfriend, in the pool, kissing a girl. I didn't love him anyway, I was planning on breaking up because I didn't feel anything, but it was hard for me because I was afraid of what he felt. Maybe he loved me so much, yet I didn't. But then I realized so does he. So when he kissed her, I was just shocked for less than a second and let it go, it didn't hurt to be honest," she stops and takes a breath.

"But then when I went into the bathroom, there was a drunk guy named Jeno. I was about to leave, but then he took my wrist and almost raped me. Luckily, I kicked him in the balls and escape. I didn't drink, but my memory was like a drunk person. I remember running to my house right after that. But when I got home, this is the hardest part of all my life," tears start to pour away from her eyes. She swallows her saliva. She calms herself before continuing.

"Blood was everywhere when I enter the house. I checked the kitchen since I hear some ruffling. Then I see my dad dying on the kitchen floor, I swear to God, blood was all over him and the floor. I lifted his shirt because his shirt was kind of torn. I saw a big diagonal cut," her voice cracks.

Jaemin widens his eyes. The story is similar to his. Tears start to drop on his cheeks too, Hwa Young notices.

Why is he crying? Hwa Young thinks.

Jaemin writes his reply on the paper.

Hwa Young. I'll explain tomorrow. Your story is related to mine. I'll tell you my story tomorrow.

"Why not now?"

You might not be ready to hear it and I might not be ready to tell it. But it's okay, we have tommorow.


January 27. 01:27 AM.
Have you found it?

Dedicated to Caitlin (something_different0)

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