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"Sicheng doesn't talk

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"Sicheng doesn't talk. Do you still wish to talk to him?" I sit still on the chair I've been sitting for 2 hours. I turn my head to look at Jaemin and give a questioning look. He nods.

"Yeah," I reply to the police officer who asked. The officer leaves the room.

"Are you okay?" Jaemin stares at his feet for few seconds. He straighten up his posture and write what he must've been wanting to say. Then the paper is given to me after he writes on it.

There's something our parents' are hiding.

"I feel it too."

It's true. There is something in me that keeps whispering in my head. It bothers me to think that our parents' keep everything, that they knew could be dangerous, to themselves. Jaemin and I didn't know what they were involved in.


"Explain to Hwa Young and Jaemin about all of it. NCT's purpose, the Parks, Lee Jung Hoon and Haechan. Every single thing," Johnny says to me after the officers disappear from our sight. He plops to the bunk bed immediately.

He just got back from his visiting hour and he hasn't even explain who came to visit us.

"Who are Hwa Young and Jaemin?" I narrow my eyes in confusion.

"They're the one who are visiting us. Park Hwa Young is Minjoon's daughter and Na Jaemin's mother is Jaeyoon. They're NCT."

"No way in hell," I blurt out.

"Yes way in heaven," Taeyong sighs after his words are said, leaning still on the wall of our cell.

"I should've figured it out that they are NCT. Have you read the messages the killer sent though?" Taeyong stares at Johnny.

"No, but Sicheng has only an hour to explain everything and read the messages. It could be that psychopath though. You know what his words are like, Sicheng. You could tell if it's him or not, right?" Johnny replies.

"Yeah. I hope an hour is enough," I say.

I just stand there, frozen, in the middle of the walls surrounding me. I am still processing the fact we've found the kids. Keys jangling is heard behind me. I look behind me, seeing a pair of officers unlocking the cell doors.

"You have a visitor," the officer points at me. I walk to them and follow them. When one of the officers is locking the door back, I look back to my two cellmates and gangmates. They are also staring at me, hope are in their eyes. As I walk further, the more they disappear from my eyes. Especially now, when I turn left to the visiting room.

I enter the room, seeing two teenagers. They look tired. I could tell they're very confused. Imagine the pain of accepting the fact that your parents are dead. I barely can imagine my friends wounded. Once, Jungwoo got his arm cut and I cried.

I just don't have the heart to tell the truth. If only I can protect them from the pain of it, but what can I do when the truth itself is pain? I sit across them, handcuffs are on my wrists.

"I suspect both of them have told you," says the girl who I assume is Hwa Young.

"Yeah. I'm gonna continue what Johnny wanted to say. Please listen to me carefully," I have no other choice than to tell them. Jaemin leans in closer to hear better. I lick my lips, a sigh escapes from it.

"This is a lot and hard to take in, but here's the thing.

Your grandfather, Hwa Young, made a big debt on one of our gang member, Haechan or Donghyuck's grandfather. Days after, your grandfather, Park Young Ho, found out that Donghyuck's grandfather, Lee Byung Ho killed many women and children for money. The Lee family was rich because of innocent people's deaths.

When Young Ho didn't pay his debts, Byung Ho threatened to kill him. It was a big money, 7.751.036 won.

The Lee family were thirst of money, they're willing to do anything to have every of it. Young Ho revealed that he knew the family's secret about the killing. He said it all in Byung Ho's face. Byung Ho's next threat was to kill the next Park generation if Young Ho told everyone. By that, the Park family ran away from Korea to Japan.

Then, Young Ho had a kid, Park Minjoon. Young Ho and his wife made a decision to give their child to the Na family in Korea to protect him from the Lee. Where Minjoon had a sister, Na Jaeyoon.

Na Yeong Soo is Young Ho's friend since they were kids. So the Park family put their trust in the Na family. The Parks told the Nas about everything. Minjoon was told that he was adopted by the Na family, he didn't know anything about the gang life his biological family are involved in.

One day, when Minjoon was fourteen, his parents are found and killed by the Lee family. Yeong Soo and his wife decided to tell Minjoon all about it. Minjoon ran away from home to China. Chinese and Japanese are the foreign languages he understood. He was born in Japan, but never to China. That's why he chose China. He lived in the streets and beg for foods from strangers.

My father and my grandparents found him. Minjoon said he doesn't have parents so my family decided to adopt him. When he was sixteen, he told my father, Dong Xiaoping everything.

When Minjoon was eighteen, he moved back to Korea to find Jaeyoon, but she was untraceable. The Lee found out about Minjoon's existence and hold Jaeyoon hostage.

The story is complicated of how Minjoon get Jaeyoon out of the Lee's place, but bombs and guns were involved to get his sister out.

When Minjoon was born, so was Lee Jung Hoon. He's Byung Ho's son. Jung Hoon was abused by Byung Ho. It made him became a temperamental man. When Byung Ho died, his will for his son was to kill any Parks alive. Sadly, Jung Hoon granted it.

Jung Hoon asked his cousin, Taeyong's father, Lee Min Soo to be involved. His uncle and cousin was way worse than him and his fathers. They're psychopaths. They're the leaders of the Lee gang. They slaughter humans meat and sell them.

Donghyuck's father and Taeyong's father were against both of your parents. None of the Lees were sane.

One day, Donghyuck was born, his father put him to a garbage pile. And then, the Seo family found him. So Johnny is Donghyuck's brother, although not biologically.

Then two of Park Minjoon's children are born," I let the silence stops me right there.

I see Hwa Young's expected reaction at his brother being mentioned. Shock are painted all over her face. Her wide eyes and jaw drop is so similar to his kidnapped brother.

Hold on. Sicheng isn't finished yet. Tick tock. Clue: None of the Lees were sane. Why are Taeyong and Donghyuck sane then?

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