Chapter eight

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Third Person POV:

the room was completely ridden with anxiety and exhaustion. everyone was tired and stressed out. the three sat together, waiting eagerly for the news. 

Andy was clutching Rye's hand so tight, but Rye didn't care. all he cared about was Andy's safety. 

Andy uses his other hand to push up his glasses which were slowly sliding down the bridge of his nose, eyes now alert and awake as he sits, tense in this uncomfortable plastic chair. 

Rye spends most of this time observing the beautiful, broken boy beside him. he notices the spark of intrigue and fear writhing within his ocean blue eyes. the way he was lightly knawing at his bottom lip anxiously, as the officers take their seats. the way he never let go of Rye's hand since the moment they got here. 

Rye only looks away when the Male officer clears his throat. Daniel, Rye believes his name was. 

when Daniel has everyone's attention he begins to speak.

"i am pleased to say that Mr Wittworth (random made up name i just thought of on the spot because i just realised the only thing i had addressed him as was 'step-douche'. i mean it fit him perfectly so yeah!)
is now in custody, ready to be officially arrested for abuse upon his family." he smiles warmly at the three and they all break out in smiles as well.

Andy attacks both Rye and his mother in a heart-warming embrace, finally happy that the step-douche is gone for good.

"okay, so we've collected all of your statements and now you're free to go. do go home and get some rest." the female officer smiles at the three.

they all nod and let out a chorus of 'thank yous'. they tiredly walk out of the questioning room, Rye practically holding Andy as he looks as if he's gonna fall asleep right there and then.

Rye looks over to Andy's mother and she gives him a knowing look. they were a bit away from Rye's car and Andy was literally falling asleep as he walks. Rye stops walking and carefully hooks his arms underneath Andy's knees and back, carefully lifting him up as he carries him bridal style.

Andy's surprisingly quite light for a 17-year-old and Rye wonders why he's so light.

he and Andy's mother (really should start thinking of actual names instead of just Andy's mum) continue their walk to Rye's car which is now finally in sight.

once at the car, Andy's mum opens the back car door for Rye and Rye gently places Andy down in the car before buckling him up as Andy's too asleep to do it himself.

once that's done Rye gets into the driver's seat and Andy's mum in the passenger seat.

when they begin the semi short drive back to Andy's house, Andy's mum decides to conjure up a conversation.

"so, you and Andy, huh?" she speaks up, breaking the silence in the car.

"oh, uh. w-we're not a couple." Rye stutters out, cheeks tinting red.

"well you two sure as hell would make a pretty good couple. i can see it in your eyes when you look at my son. you love him. even if you don't know it yet. and Andy, he's totally crazy about you. he trusts you. and that's not something he just gives out. that's something you have to gain. and it seems to me, you already have." she winks and Rye's face grows brighter.

he doesn't say anything, he just looks into his rear-view mirror at the beautiful sleeping boy in the back seat and smiles as he continues driving.

when they arrive at the Fowler household it's about midnight. street lamps were shining down on the shimmering roads. the rain patters harshly on the car roof as Rye parks.

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