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Karliah looked over the looming crowd in front of her, no two people among it shared the same appearance and yet, they all seemed to wear the same expression. The obvious unease, tense as they awaited the words to spill from her lips.

Regardless, she stood tall, the counsel, her parents, and elite of the red division standing side by side behind her.

"We all know why we're here today. I won't stand in front of you all and pretend you don't know what I'm playing at." Her voice echoed within the eerie silence of the room. "I'm sure many of you have your own variations of what occured at yesterday's white division meeting, so allow me to set the record straight. Louis Balewa attempted to kill me yesterday, believing he'd be the one to 'put an end to my madness,' as he explained. Let me make it clear that I don't have the intentions of hurting anybody within this kingdom, and I don't want to be a leader that anyone has to fear,

"I couldn't care less about what any of you want to spew about me in your own time or behind closed doors, because truly, the only thing I'm here to do is make a world of what we've been given." She paused, closing her eyes briefly, "That being said, if anyone would care to respectfully take up any concerns regarding my rule - speak your peace. Now."

Eyes shifted among the people, hushed whispers being traded. The queen waited, assuming the men and women would be far too fearful of receiving the same treatment Mr. Balewa to even take up an argument against her.

She took a breath, ready to move on when suddenly, a man stood, silence befalling the crowd once again as her words were caught in her throat.

"Excuse the interruption, Ms. Shango," the man apologized, yet his tone was sour, anything if not unforgiving. "My name is Iman Balewa, son of the late Louis Balewa."

The people watched tensely as he made his way past the isle of chairs, and up to the front of the room where she stood. Soldiers of the red division immediately stepped forward, Iman's eyes darting between the men before an amused chuckle left his mouth.

He looked up at Karliah, "I'm sure the last thing you want to busy yourself with right now are sentimental regards, you've already disclosed your negligence towards the thoughts of your people, but if I may be of any concern, I'd like you to consider the fact that your people fear you, mwen Larenn."

She listened to his words, clear indifference written on her face. "You'd rather them sit in silence than have to hear them express their opinions, because as much as you don't want to admit it, you can't handle hearing truth spill from someone else's mouth." He spat.

Blinking slowly, a pressed smile grew upon Karliah's face. She stepped forward, "What do you think I'm doing right now, Mr. Balewa?"

"Contemplating how you wish you could skin me flesh from bone?" The man raised a brow, his deep brown eyes peering at her challengingly. "Go on, my Queen, I won't be the first and I most definitely will not be the last."

"Do you think I wanted to kill your father?"

The man responded almost immediately, "I think you revelled in it." He growled, fists balled at his side. "You walked out of that room with no resentment in your eyes and I have yet to be persuaded that you even gave a damn about taking another man's life!"

"Do you think he'd give a damn about mine?"

Silence. Iman shook his head, a scoff of disbelief emitting from him. "He was right... and you know it."

Karliah's eyes narrowed in response. "And that's exactly why you killed him, but what you don't, and will never understand, is that he spoke for the majority. The evil possessing you doesn't go unnoticed." The man declared.

"Go take your seat, Mr. Balewa, I don't have anymore time for these conspiracies," the girl kept down the fire beginning to spark deep within her as she went to turn on her heel, only to have Iman's hand wrap around her arm in a harsh grip.

"It's the truth! And you know it!"

"Your father was a traitor." A woman's voice from the crowd called out. His grip weakened as he turned, leading Karliah to pull herself from his hand. "Our Larenn was born from the Loas, she leads us down no path of harm."

A unanimous applaud followed as her words rang through the room. Karliah was almost thankful for the woman's sudden outburst, knowing her thinning patience was the only thing keeping all of Iman's bones intact.

Despite the sudden protest against the man's claims, Karliah was still certain there were plenty of people who disagreed, and there wasn't a single fiber of the girl's body that doubted with them.

She couldn't. Of course, it was the truth, but it was also the last thing her people needed to know.

Iman raked over the crowd, many shaking fists above their head and spilling obscenity from their mouths. His expression fell, turning to look back at Karliah, he spoke defiantly.

"We know the truth." 

MICHAEL LANGDON - DAUGHTER OF THE LOA.Where stories live. Discover now