Tears and Rain

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         A/U this is my first time writing something and publishing it, i hope you enjoy it, probably not good, it is rather short , bbuuuuut anywayyyss, i hope you enjoy? [art not mine]

{Trigger warnings, mention of self harm, that little voice inside my head, major character death, suicide, it ends badly im sorry}

The Paladins had decided to make a stop on a planet near where they were flying, it was on the way to the space mall and some of the aliens on the planet wanted to form an alliance with the paladins.  

     Lance had decided to go off on his own and look around the planet when it started to rain. Lance almost tripped over some rocks as he was overwhelmed with emotion. 

     Memories of earth came flooding back, some good, most of them were however, not so good. Lance continued to stumble around in the now dense rain.

     It wasn't long before Lance found himself rolling up his selves and staring at the old scars and newer cuts.  Horrible Horr ible Hor IbLE  thoughts run through his head as he lifts his head up and finally takes in his surroundings.

     He has wandered far from the town, and has found himself standing at the edge of a cliff. the scenery around him is beautiful, even with the heavily pouring rain it feels like he can stay here forever.

You know you can, right?

no.not you.not now . not  here.

OOh yes mE, You KNOW yo uwant to , Just do  IT, they wont MISS YOU, why would they you are just the 7th wheel , they dont really need you, they can form voltron without you , in FACT IT WOULD BE EASIER TO FORM VOLTRON WITHOUT YOU , THHEEENNN YO UWOULDNT MESS UP ALL THE TIME AND GET IN EVERYONES WAY. you are replaceable. unwanted. useless. broken. JuST DO IT

     Tears are flowing down lances face and mixing with the rain on him and on the ground. One step. One step closer to the edge of the cliff. 

You're right....




He takes another step closer to the edge and the closer he gets the closer his mind is made up. 






now jump.

  In the end it wasn't the fall that killed lance..... it was the landing

     A/N okay wow that was something, i hope you enjoyed this , if yo uread it , if not, then okay , just dont hate on me okay, that was 3something hundred words,,, buut anyways bai, May the rainbow be with you

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