Loki imagine

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Imagine Loki being protective while he's away

You lived in Asgard with your husband Loki you lived in the castle where you worked with frigga. Loki was always off on missions and he would always leave a guard with you to make sure you were safe but you started to get fed up of having a guard follow you around all the time. Loki has returned home from a mission "y/n I'm home where in Asgard are you and where is that oaf of a guard" Loki said as he walked through the door you rushed out of the bedroom and straight into Loki's arms he hugged you back "oh my god I missed you so much but your finally back and as for that guard he was boring and I didn't like him so I sent him away" Loki looked a little annoyed "but darling that oaf was not supposed to be fun he was supposed to stay by your side in case you got into any danger he's not supposed to be your friend" you looked at Loki sad "but Loki that's all I want is a friend. How about we get a dog" you said loki looked at you puzzled "a dog really and what use is that" you looked at Loki with plead in your eyes "it would be something to hug when your not here it would be someone to talk to and to protect me when your not here" Loki senses how much you wanted a dog and finally agreed you laughed with pleasure and jumped in his arms.

Later at the pet store

You and Loki has been looking around the dogs for about half an hour and every dog you found cute Loki would say no he can't protect you. You began to grow hopeless that you would never find the perfect dog until you both came across a snowy white husky puppy. "This one" Loki said as he examined the dog "he's cute and they grow really big so he can protect you" you took one look at the dog and instantly fell in love with him "yes that's the one thank you so much loki I love you" you said as you hugged him "I love you too" Loki said. You brought the dog and took him home from now on he was going to be your protection when Loki was not around.

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