Progress? - 4

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Monday rolled around quicker then I expected.

I was up at the crack of dawn because my lecture started at 8. I had a shower and got changed.

Slipping a random hoodie over my red striped shirt, I walked to the kitchen. George was sitting by himself - no Beth or Josh to be seen - he looked upset but I didn't want to be nosey.

"Georgie, i'm off." I say, grabbing a bottle of water from the refrigerator and an apple. Placing the items in my bag and shrugging the backpack over my shoulders. I kiss Georgie's head and he mumbles a goodbye.

I took an Uber to Uni, the ride was short but interesting to say the least. We drove past groups of school children rushing into school gates and hoards of workers stomping around in the streets of Central London. The driver and myself partook in awkward conversation, asking about my Uni course and so forth.

Eventually we arrived at the gates of my Uni. Taking a deep breath, I pay the driver and stumble out of the Uber.

I take a look at the electronic board that reads the lectures and hall numbers. Quickly finding Nursing, I make my way to the allocated room. I sit in a seat in the very front of the hall and take out my laptop.

Slowly but surely the hall begins to fill. Majority of the students are female, but there are a lot of male pupils too.

The seat next to me is vacant, then a pair of twins are sitting the next seats over.

Just as the professor walks in, another student bursts in the room. Every pupils eyes directly flick to her. She trots over to the seat next to me with her head down, probably hoping the professor won't call her out in front of the hundred or so students in the hall.

"Hi, my names Darcy, what's yours?" She whispers to me quietly, taking her stationary out of her carry bag.

"Oh, i'm (Y/n). It's nice to meet you Darcy." I smile politely, hoping I just made a friend.

The three hour lecture was okay, surprisingly not that boring. Darcy has asked me to get lunch, I agreed and off we went.

"You have an accent, but I can't tell where it's from." Darcy says randomly, I shoot her a smile,

"I'm from (Y/ht). I didn't think i'd have an accent though."

"Ahh of course." She mumbles, we order our food and sit down to wait.

"So Darcy, tell me about yourself." I ask, taking a look around the restaurant.

"Not much to tell really, I was born and raised in London, I love photography, I like the colour grey, I go to the beach a lot. Oh! And my parents wanted me to be a nurse, I wanted to be a photographer though." She rushes out, taking a breathe. I laugh at her rambling.

"Why don't you just become a photographer instead? Drop out and tell your parents to stick it?"

"They'd disown me." She says giving me a sad smile,
"They always wanted a successful daughter."

I give her my own sad smile,
"Well photography sounds pretty cool. What do you like to photograph?"

"Mostly people, as weird as that sounds. I like taking candid photos of my friends or hold pretend photo shoots with them. It's just fun honestly." Darcy explains. I nod and smile,

"Sounds amazing." I reply,
"I'd love to see some photos sometime."

She doesn't get a chance to reply as our food is placed down on the table.

We dig in, I ordered a salad, as it was the only Vegetarian option I liked on the menu, where as Darcy got a burger and chips. [[Sorry if you're not Vegetarian, just thought it'd add more character I guess?]]

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