... Here We Go ...

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I have a theory...

Hear me out...

People are like puzzles. Some come out of the box complete, while others come out jumbled. I just happen to be one of those jumbled puzzles.

First, I had all my pieces together and every day I would try and figure out where each piece belonged, but as years went by I started losing some of those pieces. Some got stuck in dark crevices that I couldn't reach into or else risking the loss a few more other pieces of my own. Others just did not quiet fit: they came with the box, but they didn't belong.

So I went on, with every puzzle piece I could carry within my hands, and walked, searched, looked for other copies such as mine.

At first I thought I did.

He too was looking for pieces to complete his own puzzle, and having been alone for so long, I easily got into what people call a relationship with this guy.

(I myself think that it was more of an agreement between us two.)

I asked him if he could help me and in return I would help him,  but as time went on, with us stealing glances from each other, stealing kisses from the other's lips, and stealing first times and moments, we found a thing called sharing. We gave pieces of ourselves to each other...

Now it did not quiet fit, but we made do with what we had.

He gave me a piece of him as I gave him a piece of me, and we got addicted to this exchange of sorts.

The first time we did it we felt euphoric, happy even: an emotion that both of us had never felt before, not to it's full extent at least. Then we did it the second, third, fourth until we got addicted. It was a drug we could not get off of.

Yes, we were happy, but we nearly become blind to the fact that as we gave each other pieces of ourselves away we were also tearing down the already half-completed picture we worked so hard on all those years ago: we were completing each other yet also ruining ourselves by doing it.

And so by mutual understanding we decided that we should break our agreement, or at least now we could call it a relationship after everything that we've been through...

After him, came the second, and then the third, and the fourth and so on.

Each "agreement" or "relationship" that I struck with these broken puzzles I came out even more broken and even more tainted.

What was once an almost perfect picture was now a mix of diferent coloured pieces from different puzzles, and despite their flaws I cherished each one.

Sometimes, whenever I'm alone, I start to regret having even met the first broken puzzle, but then I also am glad that I did because it introduced me to a world where sharing was possible.

It was addictive, yes, and detructive too, but I did come to learn that the world is full of broken puzzles more than the complete ones; almost like the rarest of gems or like a needle in a haystack.

Then one day I got pricked by a needle.

It wasn't intentional, like I told you I had already given up and always settled for the next best puzzle or whatever other puzzle was lying around, but I wasn't avoiding the idea of it either because the thought of ever encountering a complete puzzle was almost one in a million.

But here I was, standing in front of him, baffled that I even came across him and enamoured by the beautiful picture he displayed.

He even showed off an extra few pieces he had lying around.

At first, I avoided him, because it seemed too good to be true, but it always seemed like we had magnets inside the both of us that could not resist attracting the other.

I was avoiding him for the reason that I did not want to taint him and that I did not want to ruin his picture, like I had with mine, but his eyes bore into mine very day, and his lips always quivered with a want to be on my own.

He expressed his feelings towards me every chance he could as I did the opposite and locked my own heart away from his, but he was too persistent, and I kind of thank him for being persistent even though it was annoying.

And so, just like the first puzzle, we got into an agreement but this time it was him that was helping me and me promising to stay by his side, and I did.

But the first time he tried to give me a piece of him, no matter how much I badly wanted to add that piece into my collection, I refused because he was too perfect to be ruined.

Even though he admitted that he had his own flaws too, I always jokingly told him that he must have been lucky for picking out his pieces so carefully that I couldn't even tell the imperfections he claimed he had, and to this he always laughed it off.

Time went on, and I kept refusing the pieces he offered, but little did I know that as I was sleeping he kept sneaking bits and pieces of his puzzle into my own blending them ever so perfeclty that the picture I was born with was nothing compared to what he did with my pieces. And as he kept doing this and me pretending that I did not notice, admiring his artwork as it grew day by day. I fell in love with him more and more, but it wasn't the type of love that I foolishly gave to all those other puzzles years ago, it was a type of love that could never be easily broken or hindered by such pesky obstacles one encounters in life. It was a love so invincible yet so precious that I was afraid I might break it, and so as my fear grew he worried for me. Confessing that if I did not like the picture he was creating, he could start over again and make another.

I smiled, and laughed admiringly at his childishness and told him that it was not him that was the problem but me.

He took me in his embrace and hugged me with all his might and laid his chin on my head managing to calm my beating heart and my anxious mind.

"No one is born complete." He began stroking my hair.

"The first time you saw me I was wearing a disguise, a mask that I created myself, hoping that if I pretended enough I could  trick myself into thinking that I am complete and that I don't need anyone.. closing myself off from love but then you came along and ruined my plans."

He smiled and held my head in his hands, staring at me with his galaxy-like eyes.

"And I'm glad you did, because you had been so broken that I finally found my purpose and it was to mend you to the best of my abilities. It was hard at first but my charms and good looks finally got to you."

I laughed.

"There. That smile of yours and that twinkle in your eyes when you laugh is proof enough that I'm on my way to saving you and finally completing you. And to you I'm grateful because every day I get to see the beautiful masterpiece that you really are. No matter how much tainted you think you are you will always be perfectly tainted to me. Your flaws are what make you you and I have also seen that in myself. We don't have to complete our own pictures. We can just..."

He kneeled before me and took out a simple ring from his pocket.

"Make our own."

The End

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