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seven — butterfly

          JEONGGUK closed the door as gently as possible, worried as to disturb his father if he were sleeping - if he were here at all

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     JEONGGUK closed the door as gently as possible, worried as to disturb his father if he were sleeping - if he were here at all. he looked around, noticing that the lights were off and no one's coat or shoes were here, rolling his eyes. what did he expect?

"hello?" he called out just in case - maybe he'd get an answer. alas; there were none, jeongguk's shoulder's slouching disappointedly anyway.

he wasn't exactly sure at the feeling he got after that, it filled his lungs in an odd way. like water; heavy, but clear. relief? worry? either way, he wanted to wash it away; so he headed upstairs, the stairs barely making a noise under his weight. jeongguk had always been a small build and always would be. he'd stopped growing once he hit five feet, five inches.

his fingers trailed the wall, tracks almost engraved from years of the same movements. his toes curled in the carpet as he hummed a familiar tune from somewhere in the back of his mind, it being buried deep. jeongguk, to say the least, had had a long week. after the party and the day after last weekend, jeongguk and taehyung has spent a little more time away from each other than usual. jeongguk had plucked up the courage to ask for a little space; healing time, he called it. time to regenerate.

taehyung respected his decision, letting him have his space as he wished, knowing it was a well needed thing for someone of jeongguk's mind. always busy, and too much time with people was bad for him. no space meant no peace, and jeongguk thrived on peace.

jeongguk dragged himself down the landing, pushing the first door on his right open haphazardly. it swung open and right around, smacking against the wall with a thud. there was a dent there from when his father had done the same thing in a drunken haze. of course, that was a long time ago - jeongguk could barely remember it.

he cringed at the bang, now echoing throughout the house as he walked straight through to his bedroom. the walls were a pretty magnolia, one of the walls plastered with scribbles and pictures, colour palettes and favourite pages of books torn from the spine, all stuck up with a pretty baby blue washi-tape. his bed covers used to be plain white, although now they were stained with watercolour in all colours all around the duvet as well as his bedsheet.

he wandered to his bedside table tugging it open and smiling as he spotted a few paper bags all crinkled up. the smell hit him instantly, sweet and fruity, varying from his usually warm, vanilla infused preference. he could sacrifice it for bath bombs. it was worth it.

he took a burning red and orange one that twisted into a swirling rose and smiled as he brought it closer to his nose. the scent enveloped him instantly, raging papaya and mango with a hint of orange. one of his personal favourites. slightly spiced but not so much so that it was overpowering. in all honesty, it reminded him of himself.

he trudged to the bathroom, pushing the door open with a little less force as he shivered at the change in the air - the bathroom window being left open. jeongguk frowned putting his bath bomb down as he trudged over to the window and pulled it shirt with a lot of effort. he huffed, eyes widening as he watched his breath swirling up in a small cloud. was it really that cold? he was wearing a large sweater, cable-knit and thick enough for the weather. it was transitioning into december and sure enough, the weather showed it. there was a layer of frost coating everything, and everyone's cheeks were being tinted a pale red by the nipping cold. except for jeongguk's. he normally hid his face in taehyung's chest, or requested kisses because taehyung's lips were oh so warm.

he smiled. he owed taehyung everyhing he had.

he owed him coming out too. jeongguk gulped, turning the hot tap on as his palms became clammy. maybe he would tell his dad soon. maybe he would be the boyfriend taehyung had always wanted, and he could be proud of himself. maybe he would disregard other people's opinions completely and just do things for himself for once; things that would turn out for the better in the long term.

but he'd get cold feet. he turned the cold tap a little, pursing his lips. he didn't want to scold himself. but he did.

he didn't linger on the subject, dropping the bath bomb into the water, smiling slightly as a faint fizzing filled the silence, along the with the soft humming of the faucet. he held his hand over the bath feeling the steam roll around his palm, smile softening as he watched the reds and oranges swirl through the water, clouding it over as the vibrant smell enveloped him.

he felt at peace, for the first time in a while. the colours were more vibrant than before as his eyes brightened, ditching the rest of his clothes. jeongguk hummed to himself in approval as he stepped into the bath, feet tingling at the change in temperature. his eyes scanned around the room for any kind of noise - music preferably; although he'd been subject to tapping particular beats with paintbrushes.

he spotted his phone, shaking his hand out so that it was remotely dry, before picking it up and scrolling through his playlists. he chose one of his particular favourites, an indie mix of lesser known artists. it wasn't the classic 'emo' indie. it was the uplifting kind.

he hummed along to a few songs, head swaying from side to side as he closed his eyes, fingers drumming out bass lines and plucking imaginary guitar strings. he was happy, off in his own little world. he had appreciated the space taehyung was giving him. it worked out, they felt more grateful for when they did get to see each other, and were both equally as loving.

a frown graced his lips, however, because as much as the time away helped, it widened it. more time spent alone meant more time to find other people, and currently, taehyung was finding jimin. an outed gay, ready to take the world by storm. it's what taehyung was looking for, so why wouldn't he let jeongguk go? the latter was clueless.

nonetheless, he tried his best to stay positive, sitting up with a grin.

jeon jeongguk, the least impulsive boy you had ever passed; he took pride in calculating every aspect of his life.

jeon jeongguk was being impulsive.

jeongguk left his playlists, switching to the contacts in his phone, going straight to his favourites. there, three were.

seokjin, taehyung, and a newer one - namjoon.

he chose the latest used - namjoon - and pressed call, smiling as he sunk further into the bath.

"hey, gguks," he responded after two rings, the third barely sounding. jeongguk replies either a giddy 'hi', watching his phone. namjoon chuckled quietly, before continuing, voice instantly calming. jeongguk's buzzing head. "now, why could you be calling me at such a time? isn't any time after six jeonggukie's anti-social time?"

jeongguk whined a drawn out 'hyung', giggling as he let his head fall against the bath sides.

"shush! actually, i was calling to tell you something super important! like.. not too important but pretty important you know?" jeongguk rambled, lacing his hands as he spoke - not that namjoon could see or tell.

"yeah, okay. i'm listening," namjoon reassured. jeongguk could tell his was smiling from the slight upturn in his pitch, voice softening.

"i'm gonna tell him," jeongguk said giddily, wriggling in the bath tub, eyes closing as the fruity scent warmed him through. there was a cracklings silence through the phone as namjoon paused, before chuckling sheepishly.

"i have to say, i'm lost."

"i'm gonna tell him," jeongguk repeated, smile growing.

"i'm coming out. to my dad."

WHEW it's been
and i am VERY sorry
abt that. also sorry that this
is just filler hhhh but AT

i'm sorry for disappearing,
but now my mental health
is much better and i'm more
confident in my writing.
i hope to update more

sorry if this was confusing,
i wasn't sure where to go w the
story so i did jeongguk's thoughts ig.
it rlly helped me move the story
along tho so!!!!! yay

n e way BYE

p.s. i never check read so
ignore my mistakes (:

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