Your life matters and you have a purpose

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Yes, your life matters. Maybe you know this and I am so glad you do. Because it is such an important thing to know. But maybe you don't, maybe you ask yourself if you really matter. In both cases, I invite you to read this, it can always be a nice reminder for everybody.

You matter because you are here, in this universe. Everything that exists in the universe matters, even the tiniest thing and you're not even the tiniest thing.
Take an ant. Ants are super tiny and yet they are super important. They keep the environment clean, they eat other insects to keep a balance in nature, and they are eaten to feed other animals. There are other reasons why ants are important (I encourage you to go read a little bit more about them, they are really interesting) but I'm not going to list all of them.
What I want to make you realize by that, is that you matter. Not because you are going to be eaten by others to feed them, but for everything you are and everything you do. What you bring to this planet and what you will bring to this planet tomorrow.

Whatever you believe in, God, a higher power or something else. Something created you. It's a fact because you are here, you are the living proof of it! This something wouldn't have created you if it was for nothing, this something believes in you. He or it could've created something else instead then. But no, you were created. You are here for a reason, you matter. Sometimes I know we can feel like we don't matter to anybody, but if we were created, we matter to our creator. Don't you think? Doesn't that make sense?

Okay, now that we've discussed why your life matters, there is another question that comes up: What is my purpose in life? So let's talk about that, let's answer that.

The question is basically, what are you here for? Who are you supposed to be and what are you supposed to do here? Well, I don't have an easy answer for you. And you know, I don't even wish I had this easy answer. Because it would be just like if we knew how and when we're going to die. I mean, who wants to know that?

I know sometimes we look around us and everybody seems to have found their purpose but we still haven't. We then ask ourselves if we even have a purpose in life. I know that made me freak out a couple times. I was scared. What if I never find mine? I think we have all thought about this at least once in our life, right? The truth is, you are going to discover the answer through your entire life. You are going to discover your answer. That's what is so exciting about life, getting to know yourself every day a little bit more. And I'm going to talk about different topics every week that can help you do that. There are so many things you are going to discover about you, even sometimes things you would never imagine. Just don't be too hard on yourself, you don't need to rush. And you know, you already have some pieces of the answer...

I invite you to take some time now for you. If you can't right now, do it later. But take some time today for you and do this little exercise: Take a piece of paper and a pen, write down everything you know about yourself until this point (because there is so much to come). Here are some examples...

- Write about your personality, your character

- Write about the things you love or love to do

- Write about habits you have

- Write about your favorite colors

- Write about quotes that resonate with you

-Write about any compliments people made you

All the things that you just wrote, are defining you. That's who you are. And it's not even everything you are. Now write down who you want to be, who you want to become. And don't be afraid to write it all down.

- Write down the skills you want to learn

- Write down the kind of person you want to be

- Write down the job you want to do

- Write down the kind of people you want in your life

- Write down your dreams

- Write down everything you want to be in life, even the craziest things!

And all of these things, are defining you as well. Maybe they didn't happen yet, but it doesn't matter. They are a part of you. I just want you to realize that you already have some pieces of the answer. And every day you get a new piece. Every day you get a little bit closer to the answer to Who you are supposed to be and what you're supposed to do. Try to pay a little bit more attention to everything that happens to you. You'll soon be able to put the pieces together. Here is something I believe in, I hope it can help you:

Everything that you are, everything that you want to be, is already within you. It is there. You just have to let it grow. It's like a garden. The seeds were planted in you, the moment you were created. Now all you have to do is taking care of your garden. Water your garden with love. And watch it bloom. Watch the plants and the flowers bloom in you. Give them the time they need. Some plants need a bit more time than others and that's fine. Give yourself time and watch yourself bloom.

Now let these words you just read somewhere in your head. Take your time and close your eyes for a minute or go to sleep tonight and think about them again tomorrow. They will make a lot of sense to you soon.

Love, Soulaïma ❤

Love, Soulaïma ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2018 ⏰

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