Asking Her Out

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Rainbow stands from a distance observing as her blonde friend works at the orchard. A small smile crept on her face.

'She's really beautiful' she thought to herself.

She's been crushing on Applejack for quite a while now and just can't stop thinking about her. Everyone knows this, everyone BUT Applejack. Anyone could notice Rainbow staring at the cowgirl with eyes that seem to be longing for something. Now that the Fall Formal is near, she decided to ask her friend out and hopefully she says yes.

Applejack on the other hand noticed the spectrum girl watching her from afar. A light blush appeared on her cheeks as she tries to ignore those magenta eyes she loves so much. She liked the rainbow athlete longer than anyone could know. She always notice how Rainbow stares at her in some occasions and could just feel her heart flutter but she tends to ignore it.

'She could never love me.' she always thought to herself.

Applejack shook her head and continued working until she heard foot steps getting louder. She stopped and looked behind, only to see Rainbow Dash with a grin on her face.

"Howdy Rainbow! Watcha' doin' here?" she asked.

Rainbow rubbed her neck boyishly and took a deep breath.

'C'mon Rainbow, you can do this.'

"AJ, I uh need some help on something." RD started.

"What is it?" Applejack asked as she puts down a basket full of red apples.

"There's this girl I've been liking for quite some time and I need help on asking her out for the dance. Since you're honest and all, I uh need some advice."-RD

"Oh ya like someone?" AJ said in a hurt tone.

"I think ya just need t' be straight forward about it. Be confident and don't be afraid t' be rejected. Why don't we practice? Pretend that I'm yer crush and try t' ask me out."- AJ

"Okay Okay, got it." RD replied and took a deep breath.

"Applejack, I've been crushing on you for a while and I really like you. You're the most awesome girl I've ever met. Would you go to the dance with me?" RD said as she stares into AJ's emerald eyes.

Applejack stopped for a bit and blushed. For some reason she really felt like those words were for her.

"Y-Yes! I would love to! Now go tell that same thing t' yer crush RD!" she stuttered.

Rainbow dash smirked which confused Applejack at the same time kinda turned her on. She wants Rainbow to just go pin her down and kiss her.

"W-Why are ya smirking like that? Don't ya wanna go ask yer crush?" Applejack asked.

"I already did." Rainbow said as her smirk turned into a genuine smile.

Applejack was confused. Rainbow Dash slowly walks towards her until they're only inches away from each other. Dash leans down, still smiling.

"And she said yes." Dash whispered.

The blonde started to blush profusely once she realized what her friend meant.

"You ok AJ? It's okay if you wanna take it ba-" Dash was cut off when a pair of tanned arms wrapped aroumd her tightly.

"Gosh darnit I thought you'll never ask!" she squealed.

Dash chuckled and held her date's chin up.

"Well you thought wrong."

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